Some Dick at Burning Man Filled a Hand Sanitizer Dispenser With Mayonnaise If you go to Burning Man, you’re going to get dirty.
32 Moments from ShrekFest to Turn You Green The Shrek franchise is a meme machine that keeps on giving.
‘Jugger’ Is a Sport That Lets You Beat People Up With a Big Stick Finally, a sport for the rest of us!
Enjoy a Fascinating Collection of ‘50s Era Kodachrome Photos Vivid colors for even more vivid memories.
33 Fascinating Photos to Spruce Up Your Sunday The world is a wondrous and fascinating place to behold but we know you don’t want to go outside.
Woman Gets Whipped and Flipped by Spinning Machine There are many things in a kitchen that could kill you.
30 Wholesome Posts and Memes to Warm Your Cold Heart "Awwwww." — You (and your renewed will to live) after looking at these memes.
This Fish Dress Will Have You Holding Your Nose I can think of few worse materials to make a dress out of. Raw meat, tin foil — just about anything beats the idea of a “fish dress.”
Great Execution: 30 People Who Have Terrible Taste But Pulled it Off This fine collection of impressive monstrosities comes to use from r/ATBGE (awful taste but great execution).
33 Trending Pics and Memes for Exquisite Minds Steep yourself in some sophistication with some cool oil paintings, informative memes, and fascinating graphic designs.
30 Boomers That Refuse To Accept Reality The internet is flooded with their privileged rants, unhinged memes, and AI content they all think is real. Here are some boomers and memes that show how far from reality they’ve strayed.
This Just Might Be The Bananas Version Of Soccer For You If you’re looking for a new sport/method for breaking your leg, here’s our new favorite pick.
Dude Crashes Dirt Bike Right Into Cop Car There are few places worse to crash your dirt bike than the driver’s side door of a cop car.