Russian Dude in His Underwear Causes Chaos in Thailand Well, it’s not the *worst* thing a tourist has done in Thailand.
Another Person Has Filmed Themselves Crashing Their Car While High on Nitrous Don’t do this, don’t film this — everything about this, don’t!
10 Explosive Pics Remembering The Time Keith Moon Blew Up His Drums On 'The Smother's Brothers' Talking about a whole lot more than my generation
10 Lifehacks to Keep You Young Most people dread getting older, but don't worry! There are plenty of things you can do to keep you feeling youthful.
20 Etiquette Tips from Silent Movie Title Cards Back before a dancing bucket of popcorn told you to buy a soda or Deadpool told you to put your phone on silent, movie theaters used these title cards to explain proper viewing habits to moviegoers.
A Very Dirty Christmas Collection to Put You On Santa's Watchlist The entire internet is probably on the naughty list.
Man Spots a Ton of Floating Orbs Outside the Window of His Plane The flight was going from Chicago to *gasp* New Jersey.
32 People Goofing Around with Guns and Grenades Owing a weapon is a big responsibility and many people don't take it very seriously.
Explore The World: 35 Fascinating Photos and Interesting Images To Indulge Have a gander at this smorgasbord of visual delights.
Retirement Home 'Reindeer Hunt' Has Elderly People Shooting Workers and Children with Nerf Guns Happy holidays!
30 Cringe Pics for Some Secondhand Embarrassment Cringey pics almost feel like an internet genre that’s dying out.
Car Crashes Into Houston Barbershop Three were injured after a car slammed through the side of this Texas barbershop.