Dude Recovers After Hospital Literally Tried to Harvest His Organs The phrase “new fear unlocked” gets thrown around a lot, but, I mean, Jesus.
Entire Mall Cheers for Woman Who’s Running Up the Escalator You can do it, even if we’re not sure why!
Senior Military Official Says the Aliens Are Already Here (And He's Seen 'Em) The former head of the Pentagon’s Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Task Force has seemingly confirmed he's seen aliens.
Woman Dumped After Moving Across Country for Her Boyfriend Your first mistake was living in Los Angeles!
26 Pics of Mike Tyson Lovingly Holding Pigeons Pigeon breeder is actually Tyson’s longest-held title.
Ad Keeps Getting Ruined By Horse Who Won’t STFU Looks like we know who the real singer of the two is!
20 People With Expired NDAs Share Their Juiciest Industry Secrets All the best secrets these employees were previously legally bound to keep.
Man Successfully Stops Robbery After Convincing Thieves He’s Broke Not having enough money to be robbed is a classic win-lose situation.
45 Joyful Pics of Kim Jong Un On Side Quests Kim Jong Un is just a dude doing all the side quests life has to offer.
Man Throws Up from Top Floor of Shopping Mall As if your trip to Abercrombie couldn’t smell any worse.
20 Times When 10-Cent Beer Night at a Baseball Game Caused a Brawl On June 4, 1974, the Cleveland Indians asked the question, "What happens when you give an entire stadium of sports fans 10-cent beer?" The answer was, one of the worst nights in baseball history.
Orca Takes a Dump, Then Sprays SeaWorld Guests With Its Poop Water To me, this is just the orca exacting revenge.
35 of the Funniest Tweets from the Last 48 Hours It’s time for the best tweets you missed this weekend.
27 Rare but Random Historical Photos from 1977 'Star Wars', the Ford Pinto, NFL lunchboxes, and more.
Trump Worked at a McDonald’s, and It Was Weird Presidential candidates do all sorts of stupid stuff in order to appeal to voters.
34 Raucous Behind-the-Scenes Pics of 1981's 'The Cannonball Run' In 1981, director Hal Needham brought The Cannonball Run race to the big screen, in typical over the top 80s fashion.