Fishing is, in the common imagination, a relaxing activity. You’re sitting on a boat, enjoying the ocean air and snagging a few critters out of the water to cook for dinner later. What could be better than that?

Well, a lot of things, but my point is, fishing isn’t always as easygoing as it may appear. Underneath a captain’s calm demeanor could be a fierce animal waiting to strike — and that’s exactly what happened on a recent trip with Marathon, Florida’s Two Conchs Charter.

There’s plenty of quotables in Captain Chris Lassen’s freakout — “You don’t fu***** listen for ****” and “I do this every fu***** day. Every day!” stand out for me personally. As for what happened, the original post had this in the caption: “I slipped on the wet floor and touched the throttle, a complete accident. This was the captains reaction with my 9 year old and 12 year old on board!”

However, when the video was posted on TikTok, commenters came to the defense of the captain, saying that there’s no way he would burst out like that unprovoked. “you keep saying ‘listen to me’ is very telling. there’s more to this,” observed one commenter. “‘Accidentally touched the throttle’ is HILARIOUS,” added another. “‘just leave it’... you can hear in the kids voice he has seen his father push boundaries,” stated a third.

There was, in fact, more to the story. According to an article on (and confirmed in a follow-up video from another captain with Two Conchs), Lassen was unhooking a fish on the back of the boat when Phil Barker, the British man who posted the video, says he slipped and whacked the boat’s throttle. (I’ve been on a lot of boats in my life and have literally never seen this happen, but we’ll take him at his word.)

Because Barker hit the throttle, the boat lurched forward, launching Lassen toward the boat’s propeller. Thankfully, the affixed dive platform stopped Lassen from becoming ground beef, so, once he was able to gather himself and return to the boat, he became a bit upset with Barker and his family, as can be seen in the video.


The article also points out that “Lassen has been credited within the last year with saving five lives in two separate incidents — two lost divers a mile from their own boat and three Cuban refugees on a sinking raft.” Despite this, Lassen was fired following the incident.

Lassen, however, is still trying to live his best life. His Instagram is full of beach pictures and time spent on the water. And if you check out his story highlights, he recently owned his viral rant by posting a Lil Jon remix. More power to you, Captain Chris — hope you get back out on the boats soon, and if you want a passenger who won’t try to turn you into bolognese, I’m your guy.