Far from being an app for children, there are plenty of adults on TikTok, using the app to varying degrees of success. One person who’s using it just as God intended is British mom Tracy Winter, who uses her account to document the truly mind-boggling amount of cheese her husband Mark consumes.

In a recent viral video, Tracy is recording Mark sitting in a grocery store chowing down on a block of cheese, happy as can be. Meanwhile, Tracy is lamenting, “Honest to god, I can’t take you nowhere,” as Mark looks affronted by the suggestion that his behavior is anything other than completely normal.

A look at Tracy’s profile tells us that for Mark, this is normal; he’s previously gone viral for his absolutely incredible midnight snack — eating a plate of bacon and cheese slathered in sauce, accompanied by a stack of bread and butter to boot.

Mark is so notorious for his cheese-eating that he’s made the newspaper before. In 2021, The Sun wrote about him, revealing that he eats 13 pounds of cheese a week but “has abs he could grate it on” thanks to his work as a gardener and logger.

Per the article, Mark estimates that he’s eaten 7.28 tons of strong cheese over the past 25 years, which is an insanely specific number that suggests he has been keeping track of it all somehow. He also revealed that he’s never suffered any ill effects as a result of his cheese consumption: no heartburn, indigestion or constipation.

Mark explained that his diet consists of 400 grams of cheese in his sandwiches at lunch and 400 grams again at night, after dinner, as demonstrated by the midnight snack video above. The Sun estimated that his weekly caloric intake from cheese alone is around 23,000 calories, or 3,285 calories a day.

As soon as the keto guys hear about Mark, I’m sure he’ll be elevated to the status of messiah in their circles.