Imagine this; you’re at the county fair and you doing the regular fair activities, petting small horses, eating fried food and maybe you might even indulge with a caricature drawing. But then you hear a man announce what will quickly consume your entire attention.

“Are you ready to see monkeys riding dogs?” the announcer asks the crowd. You think it can’t be! But the announcer delivers exactly what he promised you; two capuchin monkeys in fancy outfits each racing on top of a dog.

It’s beautiful and majestic. Also a bit eyebrow-raising. Still, all of our money should be on the monkey riding the German Shepherd.

The video was posted by Jess Nacki who was working the fair as a face painter and stumbled upon the glory of equestrian monkeys. “Isn’t that cute? I’ve seen it twice now. It’s definitely rigged” she concludes.

Just when thought squirrels on water skis were wild the universe offered up, monkeys riding dogs and racing each other.