Ahhh, 2020. A year defined by several terrible, terrible things, including Covid-19, the 2020 election, Murder Hornets (everyone’s favorite recurring B-plot), and of course, the absolutely deranged shit we got up to in the early days of TikTok’s early pandemic popularity.

Three years later, the fine creators of TikTok have embarked on their first walk down memory lane, reminiscing on all of the bizarre trends we got up to after downloading the app in a pathetic attempt to thwart three months of being “bored in the house” and “in the house bored.”

“2020 wasn’t even that bad,” TikToker @ali13x_, the primary creator crafting these throwback recaps, captioned one clip from April depicting a series of bygone lip-syncing trends including Anime dubs, bad mashups of the Euphoria soundtrack, and of course, “Cars That Go Boom.”

But it wasn’t just our collective attempts at being Bella Porach, our obsession with Five Nights At Freddy’s, and adapting Ratatouille into a musical, for that matter, that marked 2020 as a year of TikTok infamy.

Beyond all the strange makeup trends that emerged from our year indoors, an occurrence the beauty community has long lampooned, 2020 all had us regularly cosplaying as clowns for no inexplicable reason.

Hey, at least our makeup matched our taste in trends.