Though the term “DP” may provoke images of flying sausages and syrup, to finance influencer, Rebecca Sowden — and Rebecca Sowden alone — the acronym has a whole different meaning: Dr. Pepper.

Sowden, who typically posts content about banking and personal finance, learned a hard lesson about playing it fast and loose with DIY nicknames last week after flaunting a new tumbler she designed honoring one of her favorite soft drinks.

Complete with frosted glass and a logo reading “This is My Emotional Support Dr. Pepper,” Sowden acknowledged that while she was very happy with her design, it may not be everyone’s cup of pop.

“I am and will remain a Dr. Pepper girl, however it has been brought to my attention that not everybody is a DP girly, so let me introduce you to emotional support Coca Cola,” she explained before flaunting a similar cup boasting a Coke logo.

But more than the tumbler’s design, several of her followers were distracted by something else — her accidental passion for double penetration.

“My ex was definitely a DP girlie,” commented @therichieking. “Don’t really know if she liked soda tho.”

“Oh, my sweet summer child,” added @trashcan_werewolf, while pledged their allegiance to this newfound cause.

“DP GIRL GANG (I don’t drink soda),” they joked.

But even with this barrage of comments, Sowden was not ready to give up her DP girly ways just yet, heading back to TikTok with a pointed message for the horn dogs interacting with her clip.

“You couldn’t let me carry on in my ignorant bliss?” she asked, before lamenting “the amount of people who tagged that one little clip.”

“Oh my gosh!” she continued. “I will be continuing to say DP girly though, thank you.”

So take it from Sowden’s now infamous clip — you try it, you like it.