Student arrested - Winston Salem, apologizing

A college student named Leilla was arrested in a Winston Salem State University classroom following a disagreement between her and her professor regarding a final project. A video of the incident has gone viral, and people are outraged at the image of a student being escorted out of a classroom in handcuffs, and the racial power dynamics in play. Leilla is facing a misdemeanor charge.

Following the incident, Leilla hosted an Instagram livestream where she gave her side of the story. According to that video, the disagreement began over the contents of a final essay she had been asked to revise. 

Leilla claims it was the professor who raised her voice first, and after being asked to leave, she refused out of a desire to participate in a group presentation scheduled for that day. The professor then left the room, and following a discussion with a different administrator, campus police arrived. The arrest occurred when the professor gave her an ultimatum to apologize or leave, and Leilla refused. While accepting that she played a part in the escalation of the situation, Leilla is shocked that a formal charge has been levied.

The incident is especially surprising considering WSSU is a historically black university, a fact that only highlights the complex racial dynamics in play. While school officials claim that a different faculty member called the police from outside the classroom, it was the professor who gave Leilla the ultimatum and made the decision to have her taken out.

No matter its severity, a non-violent teacher-student argument should never end with police escorting a student out of the classroom in handcuffs. WSSU is still reviewing the incident, and any consequences for those involved have yet to be announced.