Apprehended? No big deal! With this one easy trick, you’ll be a free man in no time! A cop’s rather counterintuitive tutorial on how to escape industry-grade handcuffs has gone viral on TikTok, and for good reason. The information therein could spell the difference between jail time and freedom. That is, if you can run fast enough.
According to the two-part tutorial, the policeman learned this trick from an inmate. Why the inmate would share this information with police is beyond us, but this good cop has paid it forward by passing on the message to a whopping 45 million viewers. Why the cop would choose to share this is also difficult to fathom. Perhaps an excuse to have some more fun with that taser?
In the clips, he coils up the chain linking the cuffs until taught, then uses his arms like a lever, bending outward at the elbows and inward at the wrists to snap the links. The demonstration concludes with a successful break-out, proving the technique actually works. We can learn a lot here, people, so pay close attention.