Tech-Curious Amish Men Shunned After FEMA’s Text Alert Exposed Their Secret Phones
Though Wednesday’s emergency alert may have not transformed us all into a legion of zombies, it did have one adverse impact on a very specific group of unprepared Americans — the Amish.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
Though Wednesday’s emergency alert may have not transformed us all into a legion of zombies, it did have one adverse impact on a very specific group of unprepared Americans — the Amish.
Though Wednesday’s emergency alert didn't transform us all into a legion of zombies, it did have one adverse impact on a very specific group of unprepared Americans — the Amish.
Eli Yoder of Waynesfield, Ohio headed to TikTok shortly after the alert to share another unintended consequence of FEMA’s test, revealing that a few of his Amish pals had been “shunned” from their communities after the loud notification exposed their secret cell phones.
Yoder, who admitted to sourcing phones for men in Amish communities — “whenever they request to have a phone I'll do everything I can to try and get them a phone,” he explained — said that a few of his buddies reached out to inform him that they’d be off the grid for some time thanks to the emergency test.
“Three of them replied back to me today and said ‘hey, I’m gonna have to lay low for a while, I just got shunned,” Yoder, whose father was Amsih, recalled of these discussions, noting that he asked how they all landed the lofty punishment. “They said ‘hey, that emergency alert went off, we had our phones on vibrate and it still went off.”
For one of these friends, Yoder said, the alert went off right as several elders had arrived at the friend’s home to investigate another undisclosed — but still apparently shunnable — offense.
“The alert went off and it was in his pocket!” he added. “Now he’s getting shunned for both.”
As his friends grapple with their respective shunnings, Yoder avowed to do better by his Amish buddies to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.
“I felt so bad for all three of them so I promised all of them that the next time there is a government emergency alert test, I will make sure I let them know so that they can shut their phones completely off rather than just silencing the phone,” he added in a follow-up comment.
We can only hope the shunned men are able to make the most of their extended, last-minute Rumspringa … and are more careful with their secret phones next time.