Great news for “poopity scoop” rapper, Kanye West — despite offing himself in 1945, it seems Adolf Hitler is alive and well … and apparently inhabiting the body of the world’s most insufferable TikToker — if one deranged Nazi’s claims are to be believed.

Earlier this week, TikToker — and literal Nazi — @felix_ciphe, a.k.a. Felix managed to piss off pretty much everyone (except for Mel Gibson) after uploading a clip of himself flaunting a suspiciously Hitler-moustache-shaped nose ring … while donning a pin depicting the Third Reich eagle.

"I made a new nose ring!" he wrote alongside the video,  which has since been removed alongside the rest of his social presence … sans his “vaccinated” sticker Tinder profile and according to some unverified reports, an egg-laying kink Spotify playlist.

Just like any Hitler cosplay, Felix’s video sparked widespread anger online, including from Holocaust survivor and TikTok educator, Gidon of @thetrueadventures.

“Your cosplay isn't cute. Grow up,” he captioned a stitch of the clip, in what may be the calmest and most restrained possible reaction to a wannabe Hitler.

Yet instead of taking a somewhat reasonable response to the backlash, reflecting on his ways, offering retribution and, like, idk, actually treating the horror of the Holocaust and its survivors with a shred of respect, Felix decided to double down, claiming that he wasn’t just cosplaying as Hitler — he was Hitler in a past life.

“So I need to tell you guys a little something about me,” he commenced the clip in what may easily be the understatement of the century. “I’m very in tune with my past and my past lives and lifetimes that I’ve lived before this one,” he said.

“My last life just so happened to be a very infamous one,” he continued, describing “offing” himself as “one of the first memories had from that lifetime” as a five-year-old. “You can see right where I shot myself.”

Despite attempting to evade criticism by telling the people of TikTok that they can call him “crazy” or tell him to “get on your meds again you nutter” — which he very much should do — Felix stood by his sentiments.

“‘I’ve been on so many meds and none of them have changed what I saw when I was five.”

Stop (allegedly) crying about your fake suicide scar to people you call “Eva” and visit your goddamn doctor. Don’t make us rally the Nazi punchers.