Challenging ourselves and discovering just how much our bodies can handle can be fun, even if it feels painful at the time. Some people like to push themselves by undertaking new fitness challenges: a longer, more strenuous hike, or a particularly punishing cardio class. If you’re anything like this wife, however, you could try challenging yourself by attempting to keep pace with your husband as he wolfs down his dinner, only to find that doing so gets you dangerously close to choking and/or dying.

The video starts with Lusea and her husband both sitting down to eat McDonald’s, and Lusea is already having to shove handfuls of fries into her mouth at once to keep pace with her husband. She also tries to match his bites of her burger, which would be made even more difficult by the fact she has a smaller mouth than him.

She’s clearly struggling throughout the video, prompting her husband to ask what the problem is. Meanwhile, the husband seems almost relaxed, stopping to talk to their child as she tries to cram an entire hamburger into her mouth at once. “You’re gonna die, bro, why are you doing this?” he asks, which is a valid question, TBH. It’s giving Chubby Bunny.

By the end of the video, Lusea is nowhere near finished with her food, but she valiantly continues to shove fries into her mouth as her husband looks on innocently. Commenters were primarily mystified as to why exactly men eat so fast, with one person asking, “How is it so slow and so fast at the same time?!”

The simple answer is that some people are just natural eaters. You either have it or you don’t. Some people can enter pie-eating competitions and win with ease while others can barely finish before they’re throwing in the towel and throwing up their food. Non-eaters will never be able to compete with eaters, and trying to do so will only cause them pain and strife, as demonstrated in this video.

It’s nothing to be ashamed of either way — just maybe remind the eaters in your life that despite being a slower eater, you’d still like to enjoy the same amount of food, so if they could not take your pace as a sign to steal your share, that would be great.