Setting goals at the beginning of the year isn’t unusual. For most people, that means getting healthier, breaking some bad habits or acquiring some new ones. But for an Australian TikToker and OnlyFans creator, her goal is a little more intimate than that: hooking up with 365 people in 365 days.
Gold Coast-based Annie Knight has now gone viral for posting about her ambitious goal for 2024, and while it may seem unachievable, she claims that she’s already slept with at least 70 men, putting her well ahead of schedule. And here I was worrying about finishing 52 books this year.
Knight, who has told media she was fired from her marketing job after her workplace found out about her OnlyFans account, explained that she wanted to give herself an incentive to get out there more by posting reviews of her dates online, particularly as she hasn’t been much of a dater in the past.
Knight had previously attempted a challenge of going on 52 dates in 52 weeks, but stopped posting updates after Week 9 back in June 2023. She has also previously claimed to have hooked up with 300 people in a year, including one 24-hour period in which she slept with five men.
The hosts of Your Mom’s House podcast discussed Knight’s goal, with Christina Pazsitzky wondering what Knight’s plan was for days when she just wasn’t feeling up to it. Presumably that’s when days like the five-men-in-24-hours come in handy, allowing you to take the next couple of days off. Christina’s husband, comedian Tom Segura, joked, “People have goals, and if you’re not disciplined about your goals then you don’t achieve your goals.”
Wise words. Good luck to Knight on her mission — she’ll probably do a better job of sticking to her goals than everyone who told themselves 2024 would be the year they started going to the gym every day.