Undoubtedly one of the best things about having roommates is finding new and exciting ways to annoy them, and some enterprising young folk on TikTok have uncovered an absolutely brilliant one: hiding a speaker in their room while they’re getting busy and blasting the most ridiculous songs possible.

A particularly entertaining example is from earlier this year when Jess, a young woman from the U.K., hid a speaker under her roommate’s bed while they were entertaining a guest and started playing the classic Eurotrash hit “We Like to Party” by the Vengaboys.

In the video, we see one girl selecting the song as the other records her before we hear the opening notes of the Vengaboys’ classic through the door. The song starts strong with loud horns, which gave the roommate (and their guest) a shock; he can be heard exclaiming, “Fucking hell!” as the two girls cackle outside the door.

This continues for a few seconds until the door opens and Noah, in his boxers, hands the speaker back to the girls, telling them ever so kindly to fuck off. Commenters were full of suggestions for alternative songs, including “CBAT,” which is already known as the perfect song to play during sex, or “Careless Whisper” by George Michael, which would be a fantastic way to instantly kill the mood. Maybe save that one if you really dislike your friend’s choice of companion.


Among the most popular suggestions was bagpipes, and in a video posted a month later by another user, that was the song they chose to play to terrorize their roommate while she had a visitor over. As the bagpipes blare, the roommate can be heard crying, “I’m scared, I’m really scared,” which is an appropriate response to bagpipes in all situations, not just during hidden-speaker pranks — they’re a horrific instrument. Sorry Scotland.

If one of your friends is ever entertaining a guest in the privacy of their own bedroom, particularly if it’s someone you dislike, consider the hidden-speaker prank as a surefire way to either cockblock them or terrify them. Either way, it’ll definitely piss them off, and what is friendship if you can’t occasionally infuriate one another?