'That's Too High': Overzealous Stage Diver Faceplants...
- "Honestly, I blame him," Polina commented.
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21 Insane People on Facebook
- There is perhaps no greater gathering of loonies than...
Locals Declare War on Cops With Fireworks in...
- youths in Minneapolis brazenly launch fireworks at a...
23 New and Nutty Fails to Put on Your PB&J
- These facepalms are new, and more nutty than your...
Family Gets Massive SUV Stuck Inside a Redwood Tree
- "They were expecting a burger at the drive through."
20 Cringe Pics Bad Enough to Make You Wince
- Some people just can't keep their creepiness to...
Tenants Take Building to Housing Court After Getting...
- You'd be hard-pressed to find a group with more...
20 Trashy Pics That Are Too Dirty For Your Cookout
- You wouldn't invite these folks to your cookout.
Engineer Reviews the Alleged 'Leaked Transcripts' from...
- Jeff Ostroff reviews the leaked Titan Sub Transcript...
Top 10 Facepalm Worthy Stories From the Past Week
- Enjoy the best from this past week's foolishness.
41 Clueless Coworkers Who Throw Caution (and Safety)...
- These folks are any skilled laborer's nightmare.
27 Hilariously Dumb Headlines From the Past Few Weeks
- Crazy news stories we can't believe were published.
Man's Self Driving Taxi Decides to Quit Mid-Ride
- "If this was my first ride, I would never use them...
Florida Murderer Elbows His Attorney in the Face...
- Somehow, I don't think his legal council was to blame...
18 Text Messages People Instantly Regretted Sending
- Communication is harder for some people than it is for...
Grindset Bros Have Discovered Yet Another Free Money...
- Looks like the grindset community will need to figure...
34 People Who Got Rolled By The Photoshop Troll
- Fridman shows no mercy but in a lighthearted and fun...
Influencer Shilling For Chinese Sweatshops Gets...
- Shein – the fast fashion behemoth – has become a...
Boss Refuses to Accept Employee's Resignation, Tells...
- Yeah, that's not how any of this works.
Alpha Male Twitter Bros Are Scared of Flying on Planes...
- To fly in an airplane like a normal person or be a...
Girls Out for a Nice Boat Ride Unexpected Lose Their...
- This is the hilarious moment a motor suddenly snapped...
25 Images That Require An Explanation
- These raise more questions than answers.
22 Facepalms With More Fail Than the Titanic
- Another week, another time to sit back and reflect on...
Tech Support Worker Shares His Worst "Boomer Caller"...
- If the older generations were to magically disappear,...
Former VFX Worker on 'The Flash' Explains Why Its CGI...
- "Movie studios don't care about good cgi," No The...
Creep Hosts Entire Podcast in Woman’s DMs After...
- A Mississauga, Ontario man found himself becoming...
Real Life 747 Pilot Destroys Clueless TikTokers Giving...
- This real-life pilot rips apart some of the dumbest...
Son Plays 'Robber Prank' On His Mom and Unleashes Her...
- "Looks like she just robbed you."
Woman Yells at Cops Like They're Children For Blocking...
- Sometimes all you need to keep cops in check is a New...
Mexican Diver Starts OnlyFans Account After Olympic...
- Mexican Olympic diver Diego Balleza has been swan...
'Slay!': Hot Mic Catches the One Phrase You Don't Want...
- Slaying: It means something different when anchors say...
'This Should Be Illegal': Women Wearing Makeup Proves...
- After years of residing in their mothers’ basements,...
Officer Pulled Over For Going ‘80 in a 45’ Refuses...
- "They literally think they're above the law."
20 People Who Are An 'Idiot That Gets Treated Like a...
- Folks who have a cult following but aren't really all...
Guy With 8 'Mr. Beast' Tattoos Says He Doesn't Want...
- What would you do to meet your idol?
Rudy Giuliani Has the Worst Rizz of All Time
- Earlier this week, an excerpt from a $10 million...
27 Times Instagram Failed When It Came To Reality
- Instagram is where shame goes to die.
'Ratchet' Menu Items To Avoid Ordering On Dates,...
- Wondering what not to order on your next date? Steer...
International Delight Wants You to Join the...
- Whoever came up with the hashtag #CreamerNation for...
Karen Thinks Man Idling in His Tesla is Polluting the...
- Karens hate it when people just sit in their cars.
eBaum's Picks