
13 Job Recruiting Horror Stories From This Past Week

Everyone knows that the job market is in shambles, but here are 13 stories from the people going through it. 

When older adults complain that "nobody wants to work these days," they should try looking for work themselves and see how it goes. While data suggests there is plenty of work to be had, the people on the ground know how hard finding even just a reasonably paying job really is. 

In this gallery, prospective candidates share stories or rants about their own recruiting difficulties. One person even moved to Virginia and worked for a week, only to find out that she never really had a job offer to begin with. Another candidate complains that after going through five interviews, he is being asked to conduct an unpaid project to assess his ability to learn and problem-solve in real-time. If you need that many interviews, I would say the interviews weren't very good. In a similar vein, a different job seeker was offered an unpaid trial period of 3-6 months with the low-hanging fruit of a possible job offer at its conclusion. Is that even legal?

These stories were all posted to the subreddit r/recruitingh**l, whose slogan is "We'll pay you in experience." At this point, I'd just take a callback. 

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