20 Funny Parenting Tweets That Won't Talk Back
Stop helping your kid with their homework (you don’t remember anything from 5th-grade math anyway) and get into these parenting tweets to escape your child.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
Stop helping your kid with their homework (you don’t remember anything from 5th-grade math anyway) and get into these parenting tweets to escape your child. Listen we get it. Juggling your kid's school drop off and pick up, cooking dinners they don’t eat, and dreading Thanksgiving break is a lot of stress on your shoulders. So, take a quick break and enjoy some parenting tweets from the people who understand your pain.
We got dad jokes, children with old spirits, and a list of children's TV in order of when you should play it (life-saving tips right there!). Learn how one mom was greeted by her softly sleeping child. Learn how another mom gave her kid the perfect incentive to win her swim meet; throw a pie in her dad’s face. Great tips for all you parents training mini-future Olympians.
Take a break and hide from the kids for a bit. You deserve it.