22 Parenting Memes and Tweets That Won't Ask You Existential Questions
It is the Olympics of parenting this week as families host or travel to Thanksgiving dinners.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
It is the Olympics of parenting this week as families host or travel to Thanksgiving dinners. Not only do you have your children running everywhere, but you also have your own parents bothering you. The perfect balm to deal with the holiday stress of trying to get your kids to behave is a Tweet round-up from parents going through it.
This week on parenting Twitter there's discourse about Bluey’s dad and if he's unrealistic. One poster is breaking the socks at Christmas curse and sparing her children the disappointment. Feel seen as many users try hard to be cool to their 5-year-old or their kid’s soccer coach. Face it, some people just don't know good music.
Buckle in parents, it's gonna be a long week but it won't feel as long laughing at tweets.