22 'Pavement Princesses' Who Are Definitely Overcompensating For Something
If there is one thing you can count on it's trucks getting bigger and bigger and 2, people online absolutely hating big stupid trucks.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
If there is one thing you can count on it's trucks getting bigger and bigger and 2, people online absolutely hating big stupid trucks.
It’s not just the sheer height and size, super-lifted trucks become a nuisance to pedestrians, parking lot poles, small children, average-sized adults, and anyone driving ahead of the trucks at night with their Men In Black-like memory-erasing blinding lights. Big lifted trucks that are not used to haul lumber or equipment are dubbed “pavement princesses.”
They seem intimidating and fierce but they’re used like any regular car. But instead of getting groceries in a modest Toyota Corolla, some dudes just want to flex for what appears to be no reason.
Down below we have gathered up a list of Pavement Princesses that make us ask: “Why do you exist? How do we as a society allow you on the road?”