
23 People Share Scientifically Proven Facts They Still Don't Believe

Just because a bunch of really smart people tell us that something is true, doesn't mean that we should believe it. Well, actually yeah it usually does, but that doesn't mean we have to like it! Plenty of scientifically proven things are just really hard for the measly human brain to wrap itself around, especially if you're a layperson with a normal job like collecting memes on the internet. 

A few complex math issues found themselves on this list, including the Monty Hall problem. If you're not familiar with the Monty Hall problem, it was first popularized on the game show Let's Make a Deal, whose host was Monty Hall. In the theoretical problem, there are three doors for you to choose from. Behind two are goats, but behind the third is your dream car. After you pick your door, the host then opens one of the other two doors to reveal a goat, before giving you the opportunity to switch your pick. Should you switch to the remaining door, or stick with your guns and gamble that your original pick was correct?

According to probability, switching to the last door yields success at a 2/3 rate, compared to just the original 1/3 for sticking. The situation is so counterintuitive that even accomplished mathematicians disagreed when the proof was initially released. How could you expect a game show contestant to figure it out? See that, and 22 other scientific facts that people still have a hard time believing. 

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