28 Employees and Workplaces That Give OSHA Inspectors Nightmares
Whatever gets the job done, the bills paid, and the lawsuit money secured.
Published 6 months ago in Wow
If I were one of these employees' supervisors, I'd get my stern voice ready right after calling the company's worker's comp insurance representative.
That's because these workplaces are one tiny slip-up from somebody getting seriously hurt, and it would be hard to call it an accident. Whether cutting corners for the sake of efficiency, or just plainly disregarding the laws of physicis and common sense, these 28 places would not pass an OSHA inspection.
If I were one of these employees' supervisors, I'd get my stern voice ready right after calling the company's worker's comp insurance representative.
That's because these workplaces are one tiny slip-up from somebody getting seriously hurt, and it would be hard to call it an accident. Whether cutting corners for the sake of efficiency, or just plainly disregarding the laws of physicis and common sense, these 27 places would not pass an OSHA inspection.