
A.I.–Generated Steve Harvey Drowns His Sorrows After Being Chased Through the Forest By a Cryptid

If you got on social media and thought “Why is Family Fued host, Steve Harvey throwing back glasses of dark liquor and sobbing?,” we’re sorry to inform you that it is A.I. But we are incredibly excited to inform you that the A.I. Steve Harvey was drowning his sorrows after running for his life away from forest monsters.

The new A.I. software DALLE-3 has been used heavily over the last week, bringing everyone the joy and horror of seeing their favorite celebrities and cartoon characters do insane things like assassinate JFK or get a tummy-ache after mainlining dozens of wings.

To add to the insanity, @mugrootbearfan on TikTok posted their DALLE-3 creation where Think Like A Man author Steve Harvey is chased in a dark forest by cryptids. Of course, to aid the pain, @mugrootbeerfan also had a slideshow of Harvey crying and nursing himself with booze. The images have gone viral and have inspired others to put Steve Harvey in absolutely dire situations (one, including Slenderman mpreg)

If you ever needed a new reaction meme to get across the feeling of pure helplessness, then A.I. Steve Harvey pouring up is everything you need. Hopefully, the next slideshow of Harvey shows him in a safe environment getting the therapy he needs after being followed by cryptids.

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