'My Boss Thinks That $7.25 an Hour Is Good': Employee Struggles to Explain to Boss That It Isn't 1950 Anymore
Hey boss, it's not 1950 anymore, get with the times.
Published 1 year ago in Facepalm
Hey boss, it's not 1950 anymore, get with the times.
This midwestern factory worker was having a discussion with their boss who mentioned it was hard to find good workers who would work for minimum wage. When they mentioned they should pay more, the boss said, people should be happy to work for minimum wage. It should be noted that minimum wage can't even afford someone a studio apartment in most places.
They took their complaints to r/antiwork where people agreed that minimum wage was theft to most people. Some said they should do the math for their boss and spell out what an apartment costs in their area so she knows exactly what she's doing to her employees.