Pictures and Tweets From Day Two of the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ)
Peter Rapine
The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone was set up in Seattle, marked by barricades in the street which surround the now abandoned East Precinct in Seattle. The zone has only been in operation for a day and there is already a lot going on.
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Alright, before we get into it, we just want to say, whoever named the new free-state of CHAZ the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone and not the Autonomous District (CHAD), we beg you to show yourself. So, if you haven't heard, the Seattle PD vacated their East Prescient in Capital Hill two days ago and the neighborhood has since, declares it'self and Autonomous Zone, or rather a free state within the United States. Here are some photos and tweets, from day two in the CHAZ. -
The East Prescient building after police seeming abandoned it out of nowhere. They have stationed themselves a few blocks away, and still maintain all other precincts in Seattle. People were worried that protestors were going to destroy the building and that Capitol Hill would become the center for violent agitators in the police's absences, but the way the community has responded, it pretty shocking. -
You are now leaving the USA. BYE BItch, we going to the CHAZ! -
Other blockades and barriers stopping cars from driving through the multiple block area. -
Cop Free Zone bro. -
And so far, things have been peaceful (duh). People have set up farmers' markets (shocking) and have been playing music and selling food in the streets. -
As well, people have created their own 'smoking sections' with signs that read, "please consider your neighbor's health". -
And last night a group gathered to watch a movie in the middle of the street, socially distanced of course. But so far, reports of the CHAZ falling into chaos or screenshots of 'thugs' extorting stores for payout have been unfounded. Because let us not kid ourselves. The police have not abandoned Seattle, they're down the street and literally everywhere outside of these few square blocks. If anything the CHAZ just a buncha white people LARPing their anarchist fantasies. -
This tweet is most likely not connected to any real 'Antifa' group and is being shared to scare you. -
So far the worst thing to happen, which we cannot confirm beyond this tweet, is that some homeless people stole some food. Check back tomorrow for more updates from the CHAZ.