So It Begins: 20 Christmas Memes Spreading Holiday Fear
Some holiday memes for all to laugh.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
Well, the turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce have been digested so we as a country can now finally hear the jolly musical stylings of the great Mariah Carey. Or did you actually wait that long? It’s been a constant online and offline debate as to when you should start celebrating Christmas. Should you do it right after Halloween like an impatient child who wants to watch Christmas movies immediately? Or should you start celebrating it right after Thanksgiving like a civilized human being?
I get it no one respects Thanksgiving (for very good historical reasons) but the day after Halloween still feels like spooky fall. You have to let the spookiness dissipate and get into the peak fall foliage before zooming toward string lights and inflatable Santas. Well, the internet and the real world don’t wait for anyone as you start to hear Christmas music right on the dot of November 1st in retail stores everywhere. Not only are the holidays filled with a repetitive playlist but retail workers are trapped into listening to that playlist for two months straight. And that’s gotta be a tactic of corporal punishment.
Whether you put up your tree on November 1st or wait till after the big turkey dinner, it’s now time for Christmas memes. Scroll down for your dose of the holly jolly spirit.