20 Soul-Crushing Pics and Memes from Employees in the...
- Sometimes it's important to remember that other people...
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New Employee Quits After Day One, and Sends This...
- When employers claim that "nobody wants to work...
TGIF: 25 Work Memes to Say, 'Hello, Weekend'
- There's a reason so many people joke about quitting on...
21 Photos and Stories Proving That Work Sucks
- Between the bad bosses, the bad pay, and the bad...
18 Disgruntled Employees on Their Last Nerve
- Six Impact Plastics employees perished in the North...
17 Anger Filled Posts From People Who Truly Hate Their...
- Right now there are people from Asheville North...
22 People Showing Exactly Why Work Stinks
- I know you hate your job, but do you hate it as much...
The 20 Unluckiest Employees of the Week
- No matter what the labor statistics might say, we're...
21 Entitled Bosses That Got a Taste of Their Own...
- Employees getting sweet revenge on their bad bosses.
22 Bad Managers Who Should Take a Permanent Break
- These bosses should clock out ... for good.
20 Bad Bosses and Terrible Managers Who Overwork Their...
- There ain't no rest for the wicked ... or overworked...
29 Thursday Work Memes to Power You to Friday
- It's break-o-clock somewhere.
22 People In Employment Ads Who Look Like Hostages
- When these employees smile, it's clear they're...
22 Bad Managers Messing With Their Employee’s...
- What good is having vacation time if it never gets...
20 Employees Publicly Airing Out Their Managers
- Forget quitting, there is a more nuclear option.
19 Employees Who Documented Their Unsafe Working...
- Management would have no comeback if these workers...
21 People Who Were Fired in the Absolute Worst Way...
- Whether out of the blue, or after a difficult...
5 People Who Stood Up To Their Bad Bosses
- Bad bosses are on top of many "number one enemy"...
21 Unfortunate Employees Who Were Fired By Text...
- Getting fired is an unfortunate but unavoidable evil...
22 Times CEOs and Rich People Were Out of Touch
- The national financial landscape is not what it used...
22 Super Entitled Managers Who Don't Care About...
- Many hourly wage jobs function under the ridiculous...
25 Unpleasant Offices That Will Definitely Make You...
- The "return to office" push only makes sense if you...
Can We Just Order In? 20 Office Potlucks That Nobody...
- Office potlucks are bad at the best of times, but...
20 Frustrating Times When Someone's Bad Boss Pushed...
- With bad bosses, even the toughest employees will...
Going Nuclear: 22 Times When Angry Employees Went Off
- There are few things more draining than having to show...
I Quit - 23 People Share their Final Straw at Work
- Whether on the seventh year or the first day, these...
22 Memes and Posts For Everyone Who Hates Their Job
- The CEO of Crunch Fitness recently stated in an...
20 People Share the Worst Bosses They've Ever Had
- That two-week notice couldn't fly by fast enough.
22 Freelancers Share Their Most Horrifying Work Stories
- Freelance work is never easy. These clients make it...
21 Anti-Work Memes to Make You Quit Effective...
- The perfect way to spend your 15-minute break.
21 Infuriating Motivational Signs Employers Put Up At...
- This is not the way to give your employees a "pick me...
22 People Share Their Service Industry Horror Stories
- If you've never had an angry customer throw their...
Toxic CEO Responds to Negative Glassdoor Review and...
- Glassdoor is a powerful tool to help job seekers learn...
Boss Refuses to Let Employee Take Her Cat to the Vet...
- After one woman noticed her cat Phantom had barely...
Tax Professional Suspended for Company's Own Mix-Up...
- If you're going to suspend an employee, it's best to...
Boss Throws Out Employee's Custom Chair For Not Being...
- If you're going to grill an employee for their custom...
Middle Manager Forces IT Person to Fix His Problem,...
- If you're going to force an employee to prioritize...
Cheap Boss Refuses to Fork Out PTO, Ends Up Paying...
- After putting in his notice, this employee realized he...
Senior Employee Gets Fired For Being Too Good at His...
- When you hire your son-in-law and his egotistical...
Prepare to Be Annoyed: Woman Treats Co-Worker Like Her...
- If you're going to pretend to be a higher ranking...
eBaum's Picks