
TGIF: 19 Work Memes to Catapult You Into the Weekend

The workweek is finally over! The holidays are a particularly stressful time of year, so it’s good to recognize your wins as you get them. Also in the holiday spirit are the holiday parties that employers love to throw to spice up the team ecosystem. While you get a drink with Janice from accounting (and listen to some juicy Janice lore), we have some great work memes for you to enjoy.

Along with the regular sarcastic memes we have some Twitter anecdotes that are truly wild. One man was late to a Teams meeting and did not get the memo that a coworker had recently passed. Now Microsoft owns the data where one coworker simply typed “died” when asked about Henry. It lives forever which is a quality that Henry no longer possesses. In other awkward HR meetings, one Twitter user was talking about Bjork with a coworker and an unfortunate song title got her in the office doghouse. Granted, “Oral” by Bjork is a banger and they should be able to discuss it during work hours.

Have the time of your life at the office holiday party and do your darndest to create the most awkward office environment next Monday morning. It’s a time-honored tradition and the memes below would be nothing without them!

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