Thirsty Thursday: 40 Memes Pics and Tweets to Wet Your Whistle
It's Thursday, and that means you might be a little thirsty. Here, drink some of these randoms to quench your thirst.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
It's Thursday, and that means you might be getting a little thirsty. Here, drink some of these randoms to quench your thirst. Working hard all week is enough to make anybody need to stop and take a quick drink of replenishing fluids. But while that might mean a bit of water or a sports drink for your body, it means something different for your mind. Try sipping on these funny memes, pics and tweets. They're sure to give you a quick break, and fill you up with enough fresh ideas to get you through two more days.
This collection of MPTs, (memes pics and tweets), features plenty of Halloween themed debauchery, from Chris Jenner mistakenly believing that Beyonce's Toni Braxton costume was to honor her, to awesome pumpkin carvings. Other cool photos include a rally car flying past two locals, some cool views of New York City, and old camouflage warship designs first used in World War I. If I'm being honest however, I don't think making your destroyer look like a first generation Reebok shoe is going to help much. And if you haven't seen too many already, you can also check out some spooky memes too. Enjoy this quality MPT collection for Thirsty Thursday.