Twitter Highlights: 24 Funny Tweets to Help the Medicine Go Down
No downs, just ups in this Twitter round-up! Scroll down and experience the alt Snoopy, Travis Kelce’s plans for Taylor Swift’s birthday, and Tommy DeVito’s agent dressed to the nines!
Published 1 year ago in Funny
Sound the alarm! It’s your tweet pick-me-up for the day. If you’re cowering in the darkness that is now 5 o’clock or you’re just supremely bored, this tweet round-up will make your day.
Twitter is usually the worst part of people's days but we have curated a tweet experience that is only the hits. There is no infuriating discourse to wade through before getting to the tweet about Bradley Cooper looking like the billionaire who fears death. You don’t need to know the garbage film opinion from a random. But you do need the opinion of the guy who believes the “Andrew WK was cloned” theory.
No downs, just ups in this Twitter round-up! Scroll down and experience the alt Snoopy, Travis Kelce’s plans for Taylor Swift’s birthday, and Tommy DeVito’s agent dressed to the nines!