18 Little Moments in Life That Nearly Sent Someone...
- Some stuff that really got under people's skin.
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27 Things About Modern Life That Really Need to Go
- Get ready for a sprinkling of fresh-ground gears.
24 Times Lazy and Dumb People Were in Charge
- It's the little things that do the most damage.
Guy Plays a Funny Prank On His Mom Using Bowls That...
- Another one... another one... this is probably DJ...
Tinder Match Goes From Zero to Crazy Out of Nowhere
- A few bad jokes prevent a meeting with a textbook...
How To Annoy Your Girlfriend While Shopping
- A simple guide to ensure you're sleeping on the couch...
The Best 99 Cents You Can Spend
- Having fun and annoying his girlfriend with a claw...
How To Annoy Your Girlfriend
- Food puns will make her hate shopping just as much as...
How To Annoy Your Ex On Facebook
- Brilliant.
Obama Fan
- oh you all are gonna really love this..only in America
Loudest, Most Annoying Guy On The Internet
- Though this guy is really annoying, his rant on...
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