San Francisco Renter Horrified to Discover Full-on...
- Renting isn’t great at the best of...
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Tenet Peeved After Mystery Shit Stinks Up Apartment
- In a post on the subreddit r/mildlyinfuriating,...
Guy Shows off Apartment and Its a Neon Club Travesty
- Your home is your sanctuary. But what if you ditch all...
Paper Plaster Hack Is Perfect for Frat Boys with Holes...
- Do you enjoy getting rowdy? Do you like to punch holes...
24 People Share the 'Major' Events They Think Were...
- The world is full of conspiracy theories about major...
Man Enters Woman’s Unlocked Apartment Weeks after...
- Drunk dude walks into an unlocked apartment and tries...
Landlord Threatens to Remove Tenant’s Bedroom Lock,...
- Landlords and bosses are neck and neck when it comes...
Elon Musk Facts You Probably Don't Know
- Elon Musk is a bit of a paradox. One day, he seems to...
20 Male Living Spaces That Are Living Thier Dream
- It doesn't take much to make dudes happy when it comes...
Dud Russian Missile Crashes into the Street and...
- The uploader claims security cameras captured this one...
25 Signs Someone Has Lost Touch With Reality
- Everybody likes to think they come across as sane and...
The 25 Biggest Bullets Anyone Has Ever Dodged
- "Dodged a bullet" is a phrase we use to describe...
Man Filming Rain Clouds Gets Ambushed by a Massive...
- He thought he was just filming some cool rain clouds...
Girl Finds a Second Apartment behind Her Mirror and...
- Can she claim this space as part of her unit?
Russian Guy Gives a Tour Of What $100/Month Apartment...
- The Russian man, named Dan Sheekoz, posted this in the...
Author Shares Creepy Occult Sex Apartment He Rented on...
- When planning to take a quiet get-away to spend time...
Landlord Breaksdown Crying After Previous Tenants...
- Needless to say, they left the apartment in worse...
$1 Million NYC Apartment Building Is the Biggest Crap...
- The best part is the owners are accepting cash only.
Guy Sues Crazy Landlord, Takes Her Money and Her Job
- Now THAT'S a great revenge story.
21 Tiny Micro Studios People Actually Call Home
- Just looking at these pictures makes us claustrophobic.
Scummy Roomates Who Thinks It's 2v1 Seriously...
- Outwit, Outplay, Outlast. There can be only one!
Guy Gets Revenge on Theiving Roommates by...
- That is straight cold-blooded.
98 Year Old Woman Evicted From San Francisco Apartment...
- The greed of this SF based property company knows no...
Tenant Gets Sweet Revenge On Her Bully Landlord
- Savvy renter sticks up for herself and others after...
Polar Vortex Entering Chicago Man's Apartment is Crazy...
- Wind chill temperatures hit a low of -52˚ F in...
Terrifying Footage of a Burning Residential Building...
- A 26 storey residential building has collapsed in...
This Is What $500 Rent Can Get You In China...
- This American blogger shows how you can live super...
Apartment Floor Collapses During A Huge College Party
- The shocking moment when the floor gives way while...
Inside A Manhattan Hoarders Cockroach Infested...
- This apartment was so bad they turned it into a...
Dude Discovers A Hidden Dungeon Under His New Apartment
- Sometimes, you never know what you’re gonna find...
Man Can't Believe His Eyes As The Police Raid His...
- This guy either had no idea he was living above a drug...
Comedian Trolls A Property Rental Scammer
- After realizing this was a scam, he quickly upped the...
17 People That Shouldn't Be Interior Designers
- WTF, weird and tacky interiors you don't see...
After His Landlord Refuses To Return His Security...
- This is one sure way to either end up with a lawsuit...
23 Hilarious Memes Everyone Can Laugh At
- Have a laugh, and try not to get offended.
DMCA - Woman Captures The Instant Her Apartment...
- She noticed a crack in her ceiling a few days ago...
Fireman Catches On Fire And Jumps Out Of Window
- Raw footage of a Firefighter narrowly escaping a...
The Best Flood News Interview Ever
- This woman has her priorities straight.
This Trick Shot Doesn't End How You Think
- It doesn't end that other way either. It's like an M....
Apartment Maintenance Shoveling Snow Onto Cars
- You pay extra for maintenance right?
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