Boomer Learns Through Force That You Can’t Smoke...
- Light up, get lit up.
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Boomer Gets Caught Stealing Tip Off Table at Restaurant
- Of course, he says it was just one big...
30 Boomer Fails and Facepalms Seen on Facebook
- Boomers love Jesus, the Minions, and romanticizing...
23 A.I. Slop Posts Fooling Boomers
- The robot uprising will be funded by Social Security...
32 Cringey Boomer Posts from the Internet's Nursing...
- Boomer memes are single-handedly keeping the Minion...
35 Insane Posts Collected from Boomer Facebook Pages
- We want to be clear, we don’t find these memes...
23 Bits of Boomer Humor and Wild Facebook Posts
- Ok, Boomer.
53 Boomer Facebook Posts We Can't Wrap Our Heads Around
- Here are some Boomer posts that confuse us even more...
24 Boomer Facebook Posts from Lead Poisoned Brains
- Get out of your Facebook echo chambers!
34 Cringe Posts From People Born Before 1964
- Boomers have ruined our economy, the environment, and...
22 Boomer Facepalm Memes We Simply Must Share
- Ok, boomer.
30 Boomers That Refuse To Accept Reality
- The internet is flooded with their privileged rants,...
'Give Me a Menu!': 18 People Share Their Funniest...
- Part of growing old is watching the world pass you by.
Boomer Uses Town Meeting to Complain About Facebook
- If a Boomer has a complaint, you’re going to hear...
27 Groan-Worthy Memes Your Parents Would Find...
- "L.O.L." — your mom after reading this article,...
25 Relatable Computer Illiteracy Struggles From Our...
- We shouldn't hold computer illiteracy against anyone,...
28 Wild Posts and Memes From People Born Before 1964
- If you have any form of group chat with your...
Boomer Humor: 22 Memes About People Born Before 1964
- There is no bigger generational war than that between...
20 Questionable People and Posts Born Before 1964
- As time goes on, it unfortunately leaves some people...
Drunk Boomer Pulls Gun On His Neighbor
- The only thing that can stop a rando with a phone? A...
Boomers Vs. Millennials: 28 Cringey Posts From People...
- Despite what she might think, grandma has a ways to go...
'Get the Hell Off My Land!': Angry Boomer Goes Off On...
- One angry boomer discovered that the good ‘ol “Get...
Granny Haters: Facebook Boomers Fuming at How Hot...
- Weirdly, despite it being 2023, the year of our lord...
'I Want Another Pie!': Angry Boomer Hurls McDonald’s...
- Someone's angry MeeMaw was clearly not lovin’ her...
20 Wildly Unhinged Posts from The Boomers
- The baby boomer generation gets really upset when the...
Why Don't Posts Like This Trend? 21 Hilariously Cringe...
- Not all older people are bad, but these posts from...
Tech Support Worker Shares His Worst "Boomer Caller"...
- If the older generations were to magically disappear,...
A Reporter Misspelled Aaron Judge’s Name and the...
- MLB star Aaron Judge just signed a 9-year, $360...
Sixers’ Head Coach Caught Being Horny on Twitter
- Glenn 'Doc' Rivers, head coach of the Philadelphia...
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