18 Weddings That Were Over Before the Ceremony Even...
- These ceremonies ended, just not with happy guests or...
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Tattoo Artist Gets Roasted After Unveiling Awful E-40...
- This video of a tattoo of the rapper E-40 is making...
25 Things You NEVER Want to Say to Your Girlfriend
- If you've landed a girlfriend, that puts you ahead of...
24 Tattoos Inked With Regret
- Permanent regret.
A**hole Doctor Gets Rekt By Ex-Employee
- Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
Woman Left With Misshapen Lips After Several Plastic...
- Let this be a warning to those of you out there that...
Woman Literally Has Pubic Hair Growing on Her Face...
- Daaaaamn that is rough. I didn't even think it was...
World's Moodiest Groom Has a Temper Tantrum in Front...
- This marriage is off to a great start after a moody...
Imagine Having a Gun and a Sidekick and Still Not Be...
- While getting into his car this man was confronted by...
Wannabe Carjackers get Wrecked by their Would-Be Victim
- The driver didn't take this failed auto robbery...
30 People Who Clearly Have No Regrets
- Some choices you make have permanent consequences and...
Fan's Perfect Reaction To Michigan's Botched Punt
- They managed to lose the game with a 3 point lead, and...
29 Tattoo Disasters That'll Make You Cringe
- Enjoy some of the most ridiculously botched tattoos.
Guy Learns Not To Propose On A Boat
- What's the worst that could happen?
Gas Station Explodes After Botched Diesel Heist
- A diesel heist gone wrong results in a fire at a...
Waking Up From Surgery Without A Nose
- This poor guy is suffering from the result of total...
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