20 Red Hot Facts Melting in the Center of Our Planet
- The tea is hot — more specifically, 6,000 degrees...
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Scammer Loses It After Troll Successfully Gets Under...
- This is how it's done, ladies and gents.
India Scam Call Center Sent 100 Roaches
- The mastermind behind the infamous glitter bomb prank...
Mall Cops Pour Oil Over Floor to Protect Against...
- These guards deserve a raise.
Hacker Gets Webcam Access to Scammer Call Center and...
- These guys are a particularly nasty group from Kolkata...
Tesla Model 3 Tricks Cop
- A driver was pulled over by a motorcycle cop who...
The Only Known Footage of the 1st Plane Hitting the...
- A routine day for a cameraman and these firefighters...
WTF: CDC Employee Goes Missing After Leaving Work Sick
- The search is on for a missing CDC employee before he...
WTF: CDC Employee Goes Missing After Leaving Work Sick
- The search is on for a missing CDC employee before he...
Terrifying Footage Of Swedes Running For Their Lives
- Today someone drove a truck through a crowd in...
A Forgotten Pub Buried Under A Shopping Center
- A photo tour of The Green Man pub in England.
Trippy Animated 3-D Face At Las Vegas Bar
- A cool 3-D video display at The SLS Las Vegas.
17 Comebacks That Sent People To The Burn Unit
- Get the ice ready to apply to these burns.
Little Girl Swims In Mall's Koi Pond
- An unattended little girl who decided to take a dip in...
Base Jumping Off One World Trade Center
- A helmet cam captures the POV footage.
Teen Climbs To Top Of World Trade Center
- A 16-year-old slips passed a sleeping security guard...
One World Trade Center Construction
- A time-lapse of One WTC's construction in remembrance...
Russian Rocket Crashes After Failed Launch
- A Proton-M rocket crashed near Baikonur space center...
Crazy Awesome Drum Solo
- Aric Improta shows off his impressive drumming skills.
Awesome Catch By College Center Fielder
- Center Fielder Brett Williams makes an impressive...
Best Prom Ever
- Some people were happy, others were not...
Ultimate Conspiracy Theory
- PBS broadcast of Solving the Mystery of WTC7 reaches...
One Way To Deal With Call Centers...
- Have an infant talk to them
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