20 Pics That Show the Power of Time
- Time heals all wounds ... and changes all things.
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39 Captivating Then and Now Photos
- Places that had the touch of time.
30 Wild Photos Taken Then and Now
- Before and after, old vs. new, then and now. It's safe...
How Things Change: 55 Fascinating Before and Photos
- These people stuck with it and ended up making some...
30 Amazing Transformations For a Dose of Inspiration
- An impressive collection of before and after photos of...
15 Before and After Photos that Showcase a Drastic...
- Take a break from your day and check out a classic...
Celebrity "Tribute" to David Bowie Actually Kind of...
- If anyone who matters is reading this: I think I speak...
87-Year-Old Farmer in 1929 Offers His Wisdom
- He's not really sure what to make of some of this...
34 How It Started Vs. How It’s Going Tweets
- Before and after people had success.
24 Before and After Pics of People Who Quit Drugs
- They got their lives back in order.
39 Before and After Pics That Show The Effects of Time
- Fascinating photos that capture how much the world has...
20 Cringey Photos of Celebrities When They Were Young
- Plenty of embarrassing high school photos and...
14 Photos that Show Change Is Happening Around Us All...
- Amazing before and after shots.
28 People Who Are Winning the #10YearChallenge
- These people's glow-up is undeniable, even if this...
Hilarious Texas Lawyer Reviews The Latest Changes To...
- Bryan Wilson, the "Texas Law Hawk," has a pretty...
17 Girls With Their Post-Divorce Changes That Look...
- This glam AF, well-deserved change: ladies really be...
25 People Who Made Huge Changes To Their Lives
- good example for others who want something different.
23 Popular Websites That Have Changed Drastically Over...
- Since the #10yearchallenge is making its way around...
27 Photos That Show The Changes Of Time
- All these things show how fast time flies.
Dirty Truck Changes Colors With Pressure Washer Foamer
- I could watch this all day long.
Lady's Transformation Over 8 Years Is Something To...
- From the ages of 14-22, she took pictures of herself....
Good Guy Bar Owner Goes Above And Beyond The Call Of...
- When a bad situation took the turn for worse this bar...
Dude Changes His Volvo Open Door Chime to TOTO's Song...
- A tech-savvy man replaced that annoying chime with the...
25 Nostalgic Pics For Your Throwback Pleasure
- A wistful look at back then.
Slob Changes Lifestyle For Female Company
- A guy will do anything for the possibility of hooking...
Teen's Life Changes Drastically After Using Ecstasy...
- Amy Thomson's life was changed forever after just 1...
The Moment Your Life Changes Forever
- That is major money!
Insane Color Changing "Hulk" Paint Job
- This BMW's paint job is like a mood ring on steroids!
Your Face Changes In Different Lighting
- How many different faces do you have?
eBaum's Picks