20 Customers Being Completely Disrespectful at...
- Like in any public space, some people are more...
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34 Industry Insiders Spill the Secrets Their Bosses...
- How to get the most bang for your buck, as told by the...
20 Service Industry War Stories From Workers In the...
- These waiters just had to vent online.
27 People Who Ruin Dining Out For the Rest of Us
- Don't be like these people. The rest of humanity will...
The Entitlement is Palpable: 20 Choosey Beggars That...
- Some real entitled customers.
Customers Tries To Run Off with Phone Without Paying...
- Not so fast... this girl thought she'd scoot without...
Store Owner Handles Aggressive Customers Who Refuse to...
- The store owner handily deals with some obnoxious...
Taco Bell Employee Throws Boiling Water on Angry...
- Maybe don't go behind the counter if you're not an...
“Cart Narcs” Founder Accused of Publicly Shaming...
- "Dr. Phil" goes so far as to suggest Sebastian is...
30 Rude Customers Who Should Be Sent Back to The Hell...
- Some real jerks.
35 Examples of Why Working in Retail Sucks
- Here are some perfect examples the bullcrap employees...
25 Best Insults You Will Ever Hear
- Whether in meatspace or online, you encounter plenty...
49 Service Industry Memes for Workers and Customers...
- If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times....
28 Customers Who are the Absolute Worst
- Working in retail, customer service, or any similar...
15 Flight Attendants Dish Out Dirty Secrets of Working...
- Air travel is one of those things that most people...
McDonald's Employee Adds Her Own Secret Sauce to...
- Nasty food worker scratched her butt crack and then...
Waitress Accidentally Propositions a Married Man
- Well, that's awkward.
19 Cool and Clever Things Companies Did for Their...
- Great ideas and practices to make life a little better.
Employee Uses Malicious Compliance to Demonstrate Why...
- He had to teach this clueless manager a lesson...
Service Workers Reveal How They Got Revenge On Rude...
- Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Bad Customers Making The Service Industry A Living Hell
- Working with the public can be a horror show and these...
34 Funny Work Memes For All You Working Stiffs Out...
- It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.
"Tough Guys" Assault a Security Guard then Scatter...
- Two men pick a fight with a restaurant's security...
Shady Tow Truck Company Refuses To Let Customers Off...
- Breakthrough towing uses spotters and waits for...
Chipotle Employees Tell Black Customers They Must Pay...
- Video footage of a group of customers being denied...
Idiot Tries To Rob An Aldi Store And Is Swiftly Dealt...
- A wanna-be bad guy gets his as beat by customers.
Possibly The Fakest Scene On Reality Television...
- A scene from Hardcore Pawn where a customer...
Couple Recorded Having Sex On Restaurant Sofa In Front...
- We got a couple of exhibitionists here.
Staples Employee Tells Customers To Get The F*ck Out
- Get the F out!
Galaxy Note 7 Explodes Inside Of A Burger King
- These new Galaxy Note 7's are too hot to handle!
Servers Reveal Their Strangest Requests From Customers
- The weird requests and strange demands of customers at...
Employees Share The Dumbest Questions And Complaints...
- Some of the most bafflingly stupid questions ever.
Office Of Jerks Hassle Pizza Delivery Guy
- They don't tip him, then attempt to get him fired.
ATM Gives Customers Heartwarming Gifts
- TD Bank turns ATMs into Automated Thanking Machines.
Robber's Plan Foiled By Customers
- A robber is owned by some "McHeroes"...
Gordon Ramsay Puts Customers in Their Place
- Compilation of Chef Gordon Ramsay fighting back...
iPhone Nerd Strikes Back
- This iPhone customer answers back to the awkward...
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