Norm Macdonald Would Make His Guests Read Jokes He Had...
- Comedian Norm Macdonald would regularly have his...
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33 Internet Geniuses Who Are Way Smarter Than You
- These people are totally, defiantly, without a shadow...
31 Pro Tips You Probably Should NOT Follow...
- If you're struggling through life and need some help,...
19 Secrets About The CIA That The CIA Doesn't Want You...
- Don’t tell anyone you know this stuff. Cause the CIA...
32 Dank Memes That Are Definitely Too Good To Be True
- When you feeling like your down and life can't get any...
11 Roasts That Burned Like a Lit Cigarette
- These people asked the internet to roast them, and...
31 Small Bad Things You Definitely Do
- Even though literally every person does these things,...
28 Outstanding Shower Thoughts That Will Surely Amuse
- Things we think about, but don't realize until someone...
13 Badass Middle School Kids You Definitely Don't...
- These badasses eat chumps like you for breakfast.
22 People Who Definitely Didn't Meet A Celebrity
- These people were so stoked to meet a celebrity they...
Hilarious Snapchat Photos That Were Definitely Worth...
- All of these Snapchat photos deserve to live on for...
15 Harsh Comebacks That Will Definitely Leave a Sick...
- To be fair, most of them walked right into it.
22 Things That Aren't Taught In School But Should Be
- you never know when this knowledge will come in handy
15 Burns So Severe They Could Roast an Entire Pig
- You'll definitely be able to taste those salty-ass...
12 Sex Toys That Ended Up in Places They Definitely...
- You never know where you're going to find a dildo.
30 Strange Gadgets You Absolutely Don’t Need, But...
- A few are actually quite genius.
Girl Gets A Dose of Karma For Being Ungrateful
- Christmas karma is definitely a thing.
16 Times Science Went A Bit Too Far
- The future is now and the future is terrifying.
15 Incredible Craigslist Ads That Definitely Did Craig...
- This is exactly what Craig intended his site to be...
16 Vandalized Billboards Made Instantly Funnier By...
- Every one of these was an improvement.
Hit the Jackpot: 15 Times When Someone Won the Food...
- You found the golden ticket!
Hot Girl's Impressive Drum Machine Skills
- If you don't like dubstep, I'm sure you will after...
20 Things That Will Make You Feel Old
- If you remember these things, you're definitely...
18 Things That Just Might Kill You
- Dangerous designs you'll definitely want to stay away...
Guy's Unsuccessful Tinder Game is Hilarious
- This guy could do pretty well for himself if he tried...
19 Snapchats Definitely Worth Saving
- Spur of the moment comedy in the form of funny...
33 People Having A Worse Day Than You
- Sometimes life just sucks, but usually not quite this...
20 People Who Don’t Get Embarrassed
- These public displays and proclamations definitely...
16 Times When Reality Fell Short
- Sometimes your expectations exceed how a situation...
19 Problems Only People With Glasses Will Understand
- It's like a whole different world for four-eyed people.
Playboy Model Definitely Married For Love
- 24 year-old Playboy model, Cathy Schmitz married 81...
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