25 Colorful Close-Ups of Microscopic Viruses
- People say that the best things come in small...
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Man Has Strange Disorder That Turns Everyone He Sees...
- There are a lot of bad afflictions out there — alien...
15 Filthy Historical Facts for Dirty Minds
- Everything I've learned about Benjamin Franklin, I...
15 Horrifying Scientific Facts That Scare the Crap Out...
- That fact that any of us are here, healthy, and living...
Delusional Woman Says Lyme Disease is an Intergalactic...
- On today's episode of "The Dumbest Thing You'll Hear...
25 Conspiracies That Ended Up Being Real
- Well whaddaya know?
You Are Immune Against Every Disease; an Explanation...
- An informative and detailed look at the Human body's...
After Predicting Pandemic, Bill Gates Discusses Next...
- Bill Gates had a startlingly prescient prediction...
Steve-O Discusses the Teeth Claimed by 'Jackass,' Gets...
- After regaling the audience with behind-the-scenes...
The Very Real Dangers of Ignoring Customer Requests
- When a customer makes a specific dietary request, it's...
A Man Drank 1 Bottle of Rubbing Alcohol for COVID-19,...
- Please DO NOT attempt to use any of the fake cures or...
Trump vs. Trump on Coronavirus
- What a difference a few weeks can make.
9-Month-Old PBS Segment is Truly Unsettling to Watch...
- This segment even features an appearance by the...
Italian Hospital Hit Hardest by COVID-19 Has a Dire...
- Italian medical professionals are urging the world to...
Alton Brown's Guide to Hand Washing Has Some Genuinely...
- With all the focus on viruses these days, it's nice to...
'Mythbusters' Dinner Party Shows How Easily Infections...
- This is a great illustration of why it's SO important...
Chinese SWAT Team Demonstrates How to Deal With People...
- Like a scene out of an apocalyptic sci-fi movie,...
35 Hilariously Unfortunate Names of Dead People
- There lives are only as good as their tombstones.
Typhus Outbreak In L.A. Is Accelerated By Community...
- This public works employee says that the groups that...
A Sad Message From Alex Trebek
- Alex Trebek from Jeopardy looks tells his audience and...
Mini-Horse Loving Florida Man Confesses To Multiple...
- It all began with helping his Uncle Jack.
Anti-Vaxxer Mom Reacts To Her Baby Catching Whooping...
- She turned to the internet for support but got roasted...
18 Amazing Scientific Achievements For Your Brain To...
- See what science all over the world is constantly...
WTF: CDC Employee Goes Missing After Leaving Work Sick
- The search is on for a missing CDC employee before he...
A Narcoleptic Episode in Action is Terrifying
- A lady suffering from narcolepsy walks through an...
This One Night Stand Story Is Beyond Disgusting!
- Take this as a warning about the dangers of hooking up...
9 Rare Conditions That Are Real
- Amazing anomalies that might freak you out or even...
9 Rare Conditions That Are Real
- Amazing anomalies that might freak you out or even...
19 Creepy Facts About Parasites
- Learn about the tiny creatures that live around and...
Guy Tells Smokers "Smoking Is Bad"
- He quickly finds out that you don't get between...
News Anchor Declairs Ebola Is NOT A Crisis
- Fox's Shepard Smith blasts media for "Hysterical,...
Everything You Need To Know About Ebola
- Get your facts straight with short informative video.
17 Fascinating Statistics
- Learning is more fun when it's visual.
Life UNDER The Streets
- The "Sewer Children" of Romania.
My Dad With Our Dog
- My father has Alzheimers. This is what happens when he...
Mad Cow Disease
- Insane cow demonstrates what mad cow disease looks...
Shocking Declassified Documents Part 2
- The 2nd part of the chem-trail / poisonous spray story.
Flesh Eating Drugs
- oh shit... they found a way to stop us...
Anti-Gravity Ramp
- Watch til the end
PSA - Disease
- A PSA for people who suffer from this terrible disease.
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