The 24 Dumbest Posts on the Timeline Today
- The brain is happy when the brain is empty.
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The 27 Dumbest Posts from This Week
- We see you, lonely Avatar man.
The 24 Dumbest Posts We Saw Online Today
- If you're an idiot, here's a nice little ego boost for...
23 Einsteins Living Life on Hard Mode
- Quite a few people seem to think that Hurricane Milton...
22 IT Workers Share the Dumbest Problems They Ever Had...
- Never a dull day at the IT Desk.
23 Interesting Yet Simple Facts Fresh From the Fact...
- "Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb." —...
26 People Share the Stupidest Argument They’ve Ever...
- Grown-ups— they're just as dumb as kids.
18 Tweets Dunking on Travis Kelce and His Dumb Little...
- Talk about a "Picture To Burn" ...
The 20 Dumbest Celebrity Headlines of the Week
- Stars, they're just like us — and by just like us I...
Saturday Morning Randomness: 40 Fun Pics to Turn Your...
- Start your day with a laugh and try to guess what the...
22 Dumb Designer Items We Can’t Believe Weren’t a...
- From the catwalk to the circus.
24 Mechanics Share the Dumbest Reasons People Have...
- Driving: It's not for everyone.
25 Firefighters Share the Dumbest Way They’ve Ever...
- Stop. Drop. Roll. Don't be stupid.
23 People Who Thought They Were the Smartest Person in...
- "Methinks" these dudes should close their laptops.
15 Dumb Things Governments Spent Way Too Much Money On
- It costs a lot to be this dumb.
26 Things That Don’t Actually Make You Sound Smart
- Sorry MENSA, that IQ test means nothing.
First and Last Day: 24 Crazy Stories of Folks Who Got...
- "You're fired."
20 Lawyers Share Times Their Clients Opened Their...
- You have the right — and responsibility — to...
Karma in Action: 21 Travel Disasters Vacationers...
- They did this to themselves.
Not The Sharpest Tool in the Shed: 20 of the Dumbest...
- There may be no such thing as stupid questions, but...
20 Stupid Questions People Legitimately Asked
- There are such things as stupid questions — no...
14 Silly Science Questions With Wrong Answers Only
- The subreddit r/[silly]askscience provides, gives...
Woman Too Dumb to Realize You Can Actually Pick (and...
- When life gives you lemons you make lemonade…...
32 Times the Customer Was Flat Out Wrong
- When customers are the dumbest people on Earth.
27 Times When Someone Was The Total Opposite of...
- Get ready to have a few laughs and plenty of facepalms...
24 Pics Proving That the Kids Are Not Alright
- Kids are still learning, so it's not their fault that...
31 Folks Who Aren't the Brightest Lighbulb in the Shed
- Some people really need help, and some people are so...
27 People Share the Dumbest Things They've Ever Heard
- How do some people get through life?
30 Not So Bright Posts From Dull Bulbs
- A fresh batch of posts from people who could use a...
'Dumb and Dumber' - Fake Gun and Failed Home Invasion
- A Connecticut homeowner answered his door on April 14...
32 People Who Decided To Make Their Lives Harder
- Check out this batch of pics and posts from people who...
‘Do You Know Who I Am?’: Unprovoked, Coffee-Shop...
- I wish I could sit here and tell you that this video...
OnlyFans Model Banned from CrossFit Gym Over Picture...
- As if the crossfit community wasn't already the most...
Everything to Know about the Awful Mahomes Family...
- Meet the dynamic duo of Brittany and Jackson Mahomes,...
Damar Hamlin Responds to Conspiracy Theorists Claiming...
- We all witnessed what happened on the field at Paycor...
34 Signs Someone Might Not Be Very Intelligent
- Ordinary human stupidity will sooner or later...
20 People Who Excel at Doing Dumb Things
- These folks let their brain cells stay on break for a...
Not Their Proudest Moment: 25 Wild Posts Packed to the...
- Well thanks captain obvious.
Delusional Boss Sends Ex Employee Invoice for Quitting...
- The owner of a Doggy Daycare tried to bill this person...
33 Stories About the Worst Mistake People Saw a...
- The workplace can be a tricky place to navigate at...
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