Life's Fleeting Moments: 38 Soul-Crushing Things...
- People share things they were told or overheard that...
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Savage Memes to Take Your Breath Away
- Stay up late with this fresh batch of savage memes...
Johnny Depp Supporter Asking Amber Heard the Tough...
- Onlookers watched as Amber Heard exited Virginia's...
Amber Heard: ‘Grow the F**k Up, Johnny!’, Audio...
- Things got super awkward in court during the Amber...
Johnny Depp Tells the Court Why He's Suing Amber Heard
- Depp, who's suing ex-partner Amber Heard in a...
25 Celebrities Everyone Agrees Are The Worst
- Normally, celebrities are very charming. That's their...
Amber Heard's Turd Photos Finally Released to the...
- Finally we get to see the turd.
Amber Heard Shares Damning Photo of Depp Asleep With...
- That's the final straw, this man is out of control....
Johnny Depp's Drug Habit Gets Aired Out in Most...
- Dude can't catch a break, but he sure could catch a...
Witness Describes What He Heard Before Kobe Bryant's...
- “Extra’s” Samantha Harris was on location in...
29 Sentences And Headlines You'll Need To Read Twice
- These may be the first time these sentences have ever...
29 Hilarious Statements That Could Only Be Heard In...
- What kind of stuff is going down in this city?
14 Fascinating Facts To Expand Your View of The World
- Some brain food to get those neurons moving!
Amber Heard Talking About Johnny Depp Abusing Her
- Amber Heard describes the violent fight which prompted...
20 Weirdest Things People Were Told During Sex
- they should have kept it to themselves
14 Phobias That Are So Weird They Don't Seem Real
- Humans sure are fraidy-cats. Just goes to show you...
14 of the Most Brutal Yet Hilarious Insults People...
- Insults and rebuttals that just as funny as they are...
10 People Share The Funniest Things They've Heard In...
- ** Warning: NSFW Themes** Sometimes porn is so bad...
10 The Most Annoying 'Humble Brags'
- We all know you're just so perfect but could you...
15 Of The Most Ruthless Comebacks People Have Ever...
- These people didn't know what they were getting...
15 People Share The Worst Dirty Talk They've Heard...
- **Warning: Adult Themes** Not everyone is cut out for...
The Most Brutal Comebacks People Have Ever Heard
- Damn, these people are going to hell for sure.
Employees Share The Dumbest Questions And Complaints...
- Some of the most bafflingly stupid questions ever.
The Story Of Mass Murderer David Burke And How He...
- The true story of how a disgruntled employee killed...
People Share the Funniest Thing They've Heard In Pornos
- I thought this movie would have better acting . . .
Johnny Depp Going Crazy On Amber Heard, Secret Video...
- This guy is losing it.
Dude Falls For A Nut Slap That Is Heard Around The...
- Poor bastard never even saw that epic nut shot coming!
Horrible Serial Killers You Probably Haven't Heard Of
- Everyone knows Gacy, Gein, and Dahmer. Here are some...
Have You Ever Heard A Cheetah Meow?
- Such a cute noise coming from such a deadly killing...
26 Unusual Phobias You’ve Never Heard Of
- For a lot of us, these will seem pretty bizarre.
Massive Fireball From Space in Thailand
- Awestruck commuters witnessed the spectacle.
Guy's Unsuccessful Tinder Game is Hilarious
- This guy could do pretty well for himself if he tried...
21 Creepy Things People Heard Kids Say
- What if you heard a kid saying terrifying things like...
Girl Unleashes Most Impressive Fart You've Heard
- Yep, I'm convinced it was her. That grin was telling
24 Sports You Probably Never Heard Of
- Odd and unusual "sports" people actually play.
Creepy Things Babysitters Heard From Kids
- 15 statements from kids, ranging from the bizarre to...
Guy Flirting With Strippiers GTA Online
- He doesn't realize when you talk to the strippers...
Open Hand Slap Knock Out
- "Hit me as hard as you can, you can't knock me out..."
Snowboarding Bird
- A bird shreds a snowy rooftop.
Cop Heard Having Sex On Radio
- To Protect and Serve Up
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