20 Brutal Roasts and Comments That Smacked People Down
- The internet is imaginative and evil.
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25 of the Best and Most Brutal Roasts Found on Our...
- Roasting people online is a beautiful thing.
17 People Who Asked to Be Roasted and Got Scorched
- They got sent to the burn ward.
23 Savage Burns and Replies That Roasted People to a...
- Be careful out there.
20 Most Brutal Roasts Anyone Has Overheard
- We're gonna need some ice for these sick burns.
32 of the Most Cleverly Savage Insults People Ever...
- Times people got hit with a comeback or reply they...
24 Great Insults That Don’t Require Cursing
- Some great insults you can use against your enemies,...
25 Savage Comebacks To Win Your Next Argument
- A list of comebacks for the next time you're insulted
20 Insults That People Will Never Forget
- A batch of funny, savage, and sometimes just plain...
30 Compliments That Are Unintentionally Savage
- The line between making someone smile and getting...
25 Signs Someone Has Lost Touch With Reality
- Everybody likes to think they come across as sane and...
25 Times People Got Brutalized by the Comments
- There is nothing we love more than a well-crafted...
The Time Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Took Over an...
- In this classic clip, Triumph visits a restaurant in...
17 Brilliantly Sophisticated Insults
- These are hands down the classiest way to tell someone...
20 Original Insults to Use on Your Friends and Enemies...
- Insults are so unoriginal these days, especially on...
28 Ingenious Insults That Obliviated Their Victims
- They haven't been from heard since.
NY Shoe Shiner Gets Business by Shaming Bad Shoes
- Don Ward has spent 17 years clowning on the...
15 Reddit Roasts That Left People Scorched
- They should've been careful what they asked for,...
24 Savage Insults Disguised as Profound Sayings
- Funny and creative ways to tell people off.
28 Creative Insults and Clever Jokes to Own Your...
- After years of using the same old insults, they can...
38 Absolutely Savage Burns
- These burns will probably require ointment.
26 Internet Roasts That Didn't Hold Back
- These folks just got nuked.
24 Clever Comments That Hit Their Mark
- Replies people weren't ready for.
22 Spot-On Insults That Left People in Tears
- Their wrath is powerful, but funny.
28 People Who Asked the Internet to Roast Them and...
- That's gonna need a trip to the burn ward.
Insults That Sound Like Compliments Are Actually...
- Some of these are seriously savage!
Chef Ramsay Knocks an Entitled Douche Down a Few Pegs...
- Gordon Ramsay doing what he does best in this funny...
36 People Who Came Up With the Perfect Insult
- Some next level burns to take you into the New Year.
Overly-Sensitive Police Officer Tases the Dude Who...
- This cop looks like he's looking for an excuse to...
People Who Are At The Top Of Their Insult Game (32...
- These insults are sharp enough to cut diamonds.
Redditors Named Chad/Stacy/Karen Share Their Feelings...
- With special guest appearances by Kyle and Becky.
31 People Who Burned No One But Themselves
- They tried so hard, and got so far...
50 Memes and Pics That Perfectly Describe Each US State
- We're looking at you Florida, you crazy drunk uncle...
15 People Who Asked To Be Roasted And Got Incinerated...
- Roasts so hot they'll burn your eyes out.
Gordon Ramsey's Most Savage And Hilarious Insults
- Just a nice compilation of the world's meanest...
Chris Pratt's Sex Insult Causes Jennifer Lawrence To...
- They were trying not to laugh but Pratt was not...
15 Bizarre Foreign Insults
- Some countries sure have a peculiar way to phrase...
14 Cautionary Tales About Homophones
- Please refrain from making "homophonaphobic" jokes in...
Guy Slams CNN For Their Bigoted Arguments
- Reza Aslan destroys two anchors and thier simplified...
Triumph Takes On Times Square Mascots
- Triumph the Insult Comic Dog trolls the various...
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