Entire Market Takes on Attempted Thief
- If you can’t take the hits, don’t try to lick.
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Dude Trying to Run from Cops Gets Hit By a Car and...
- Well, that couldn’t have gone much worse.
Biker Tries to Stop Street Dancer, Gets Stopped Instead
- That’s what you get for trying to throw off his...
Dude Trying to Steal Fish Gets Hit Over the Head With...
- Robber, meet snapper.
Woman Breaks Zoo Rules and Feeds Zebras, Quickly...
- Read the information card *before* you go on the...
Dude Road Rages So Hard He Flips His Own Car
- If you flip your car, you’ve definitely lost.
Man Tries to Steal Electric Meter, Causes Explosion
- What did you *think* was going to happen?
People Are Now Spray Painting Italy’s Pickpockets
- Want to avoid being pickpocketed? Look out for the...
Man Spits on Ground, Then Slips on His Own Loogie
- Watch where you’re spitting/going next time!
People Hitting Snowman with Their Car Get Instant Karma
- That’s what you get for trying to ruin the winter...
Groom Car Jacks Dude Who Stole His Wedding Gift
- Sorry, honey—I’ve just got to go punch this guy!
Dude on Motorcycle Just Misses Being Hit By Train
- For the last time, you’re not going to beat the...
Asshole Steps on Stingray, Gets Stung By Stingray
- This instant karma took a few seconds.
Man Hilariously Narrates Himself Chasing Down the Guy...
- You can hit him, but you can’t outrun him!
Streaker Gets Attacked by Lacrosse Players
- Save it for the locker room!
Man Tries to Steal Car, But Police Box Him In
- A dude was recently caught (allegedly) going for a...
Man Stops to Laugh at Car Accident, Then the Car Blows...
- This is why you should always drive *away* from the...
Dude Trying to Find Podcast on His Phone Drives Truck...
- According to the Daily Mail, a 44-year-old man named...
Man Pours Gas on Fireplace. Then, Everything Blows Up
- There’s a reason they tell you not to pour gasoline...
Getaway Foiled After Motorcycle Is Slammed by Car
- These guys really thought they were going to get away...
Dude Tries to Escape by Jumping Off Second Story After...
- Personally, I would have just used the escalator.
Protesters Attempt to Block Road With Thin Rope,...
- What's the deal with blocking traffic?
Rich Kid Arrested on Dad’s Boat After Harassing...
- In another installment in a long line of incidents...
Man Randomly Punching People On the Street Finds...
- You know what they say, "play stupid games, win...
20 People That Screwed Around and Immediately Found Out
- Sometimes, FAFO is pretty darn instant.
Car Wash Karen Gets Dose of Instant Karma After...
- Though one driver may have headed to the car wash for...
Would-Be Robber Dragged Across Pavement After Trying...
- While one wannabe robber may have attempted to nab a...
Micromanaging Boss Implements Time-Tracking for...
- When one boss decided to micromanage his employees,...
Glitterbomb 6.0: Car Thieves Gets Glitterbombed By...
- Couldn’t have picked a better reaction to end the...
Management Refuses to Pay for Repairs On Employee’s...
- When a company demands an employee use his personal...
Boss Mocks Employee for Taking First Off Day in 10...
- When your place of work has a 92% turnover rate, that...
You Literally Asked For It: Employees Comply With...
- If a department is one of the most productive in the...
Laid Off Software Developer Takes Code With Him, and...
- Bosses need to learn to stop messing with their...
Employee Is Asked to Choose Between Pay Cut or Firing,...
- This 14-year sales veteran knew what he was doing when...
'Fired If I Don't Work That Day?": Oil Rig Worker...
- When an employee lands a new job, that usually means...
'Remember Me?': Terrible Coworker Sabotages Employee,...
- Revenge is a dish best served, and this one "was many...
Millionaire Karen Meets Karma After Fleeing From Police
- A simple traffic stop turns into two felonies after a...
Woman Fired From Job She Loves By Clueless Boss Exacts...
- The story of a woman whose inept manager ended her...
Cyclist Attempts to Pass Bull on Rural Trail, Bull...
- To quote the comment section, "City people need to...
Cyclist Attempts to Pass Bull on Rural Trail, Bull...
- To quote the comment section, "City people need to...
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