Bagger 288: The Megamachine Eating Germany's...
- Behold the biggest land vehicle in the world; the...
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Steph Curry Sinks Five Full Court Shots in a Row
- Warriors' phenom Steph Curry is not from this planet....
25 Inventions That Are So Long Overdue We've Almost...
- These inventions should have all been a thing a long...
25 of the Biggest Scams that Nobody Wants to Admit are...
- Nobody likes to get played. That's why most of us have...
Rube Goldberg Machine Plays 'Careless Whisper'
- Masterfully done.
Hilarious Farmer Leaves WTF Present for Pesky Tourist...
- A tourist to the local area decided to park his car in...
YouTuber Creates DIY Chair Tutorial (Without Once...
- Hold on, hold on. Can we talk about the bullet holes?
Squirrel Activates Epic "Squirrel-Feeding Machine"
- This guy, a YouTuber named Creezy, set up an utterly...
YouTuber's 'One Punch Gun' Breaks Rocks, Cuts Trees
- I love the internet.
Guy Covers "Thunderstruck" by ACDC With the Help of...
- If you don't have a drummer for your band, just toss...
Dude Shoots a Glock 17 on Full Auto with a 100 Round...
- Glock proving once again why it's basically the AK-47...
YouTuber David Dobrik Invites Borat to His House,...
- Borat made a visit to YouTube star David Dobrik's...
Gas Station Karen Doesn't Realize She's Not at a...
- It's just a button, Karen - push it, grab your coffee,...
70-Step Rube Goldberg Basketball Shot Is Worth 3...
- Only now would anyone have the time to build something...
MGK Listens to His Neighbors Rip on Him after...
- Rapper Machine Gun Kelly listens as his neighbors talk...
Perfect Ping Pong Bouncing Device is Just Plain...
- Arduino project with 120 FPS OpenCV image processing...
"Mad Batter" Machine Just Barely Beats Record of...
- YouTube channel "SmarterEveryDay" sent a ball soaring...
The Most Annoying Machine in the World, Clearly...
- What kind of lunatic would invent a machine that...
10 Year Old Drummer NAILS Bulls on Parade by Rage...
- A young girl rocks the heck out to a song by her...
The King of Hydraulic Scrappers Shearers Through...
- Possibly the most satisfying video you'll watch today.
Robotic Bowling Machine Hurls the Ball through the Air...
- I hope that thing never becomes self-aware, because...
Getaway Driver Chickens Out and Leaves His Buddies At...
- These 3 Jackasses went through a whole lot of work to...
This Machine Is An OCD Persons Fantasy
- This impressive machine guides a cup held by a series...
This Chinese Machine Will Suck Your Dong If You're Too...
- A Chinese medical science and technology company makes...
Pete Davidson And Machine Gun Kelly Take A Lie...
- Pete Davidson and Machine Gun Kelly take a lie...
Cool Snow Cone Making Machine Puts Kids to Work For a...
- A neat interactive way of making a snow cone while...
Girl Climbs in Airport X-Ray Machine
- Whoops. Girl B-lines it to the x-ray machine like...
This Paper Airplane Folding Machine Is Too Satisfying
- This guy turned 5 old printers into a cool paper...
High Speed Camera Attached to the Inside of a Lawnmower
- Keep your hands clear, and don't try this at home.
Crushing Glass With a Hydraulic Press
- The thought of billions of glass shards all over the...
Reese's May Have Just Won The Halloween Candy Game
- Reese’s unveiled its new “candy converter” set...
This "Vacuum Forming Machine" Is Pure Eye Candy
- The Vacuuming Forming Machine uses a mold and vacuum...
This Above Ground Wave Machine Looks Like Something...
- A new wave machine in Australia goes on a test run.
Man Sends Child Inside Arcade Game to Steal Prizes at...
- Footage of the incident shows a child passing out...
Eminem Responds to Machine Gun Kelly and Disses...
- Slim shady goes full beast mode after the MGK diss...
Brazen Thief Snags All the Money from a Slot Machine
- Witnesses looked on in amusement at the size of this...
16 Awesome and Useful Things You Can Get For Under $25...
- Be quiet and accept my payment!
Bricklaying Robot Can Build Walls 3X Faster Than Any...
- This machine can lay almost 400 bricks an hour,...
Guy Powers His House With an Old Washing Machine and a...
- A lengthy and intricate process I have to say, but...
Cat Taking A Nap In A Claw Machine Cannot Be Bothered
- When a couple of guys in Dubai noticed that there was...
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