Woman’s Snack Gets Stolen by Bird Mid-Bite
- Dick move, bird.
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25 Savage Comments That Took People Out at the Ankles
- The internet used to be an incredibly mean place. It...
26 Redditors Share the Meanest Thing Someone Ever Said...
- Sticks and stones may break bones, but names can hurt...
19 of the Meanest Disses We've Ever Heard
- They're gonna need some ice for those burns.
American Tourist Breaks Down in Tears After French...
- Despite making solo trips to distant locales like...
James Corden Banned From Famed NYC Restaurant After...
- The human toe that is James Corden apparently isn't a...
30 of the Worst Coworkers You Could Get Stuck With
- People who make work even worse.
15 Entitled and Trashy People Who Make Things...
- The worst society has to offer.
15 Signs Someone’s Not Actually a Nice Person
- Watch out if someone does these
21 Cringe Pics That Show Why People Have Trust Issues
- Some of these people have some real problems
29 Stories Of Celebrities Being Jerks
- Snoop Dog Seems Cool Though
25 Poorly Designed Products and Services All About...
- Here are a few pictures of designs and technologies...
Pictures That Make You Hate People
- These are extremely infuriating
25 Parents Roasting The Hell Out Of Their Kids
- They might be pure savage.
25 Best Insults You Will Ever Hear
- Whether in meatspace or online, you encounter plenty...
20 Teachers Who Murdered Students With Words
- Over on Reddit, the r/MurderedByWords subreddit...
19 Sick Burns That Destroyed Their Victims
- These really hit their mark.
Mean, Lazy Teacher Finally Picks the Wrong Student to...
- He kept all the receipts and played his hand perfectly...
Class Clowns Enjoy Senior Skip Day Despite Teacher's...
- Everyone's had that one teacher who was just a...
Police K9 Isn't Amused after Getting a Rude Awakening...
- The look on this K9 officer's face when he realizes...
The Best Celebrity Clap-backs of 2020 (So Far)
- Celebrities get rude and disgusting comments all the...
Wendy Williams Gets No Respect After Apologizing For...
- After making fun of Joaquin Phoenix's 'cleft lip'...
Sharon Osbourne Fired Assistant After Forcing Him to...
- And then she just laughs about it like she's NOT the...
23 People Who Got Brutally Rejected
- Rejection is never fun, but these people got served...
Mean English Teacher Gets Well-Deserved Justice in the...
- This is so satisfying.
Celebrities Read Mean Tweets About Themselves On Jimmy...
- Here’s a new edition of #MeanTweets with Will...
Photographer Captures Two Huge Brown Bears Fighting In...
- Nature photographer Tero Pylkkänen managed to capture...
16 Savage Roasts That People Had Coming
- They got what they asked for.
16 Tattoos That Mean Things You Didn't Know They Could...
- Having these tattoos could get you into trouble with...
26 Notes Left For Inconsiderate Thieves
- People who got pissed off to the point they had to...
Hilariously Racist Old Woman Has A Bone To Pick
- Sometimes nothing is more entertaining than listening...
18 Liars Who Definitely Didn't Mean to Send That Text...
- No one is going to believe them especially when they...
26 Pics of Someone's Worst Day Ever
- This wasn't their day... month or even their year.
18 Real "Tough Guys" Who Mean Business
- Oh, looks like we got an actual bad ass on our hands.
16 Problems That Tall People Can Relate To
- How's the weather up there?
11 People Who Found Out Life's a B**ch
- Ever had that feeling that the world is out to get you?
18 Brutal Moments from Everyday Life
- Less-than-subtle hints that the universe hates you.
600-Lb Woman Loves Shopping For Food
- This clip is taken from the TLC show My 600-Pound Life.
15 Brutal Moments from Everyday Life
- Less than subtle signs that the universe hates you.
19 Times Life Dealt People an Unfair Hand
- Less than subtle signs that the universe hates you.
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