Party in the Back: 25 Photos that Show What Mullets...
- Business in the front, party in the back.
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25 Outdated Trends We Fear Might Come Back
- Some trends are better off left in the past. We found...
Say No More Fam, These Hairdos Are the Epitome of Hair...
- All of these people probably said iterations of "just...
Dad Has Hilarious Reaction to Son's Surprise Makeover
- Legend has it, he's still laughing to this day.
This Kid's Pickup Truck is the Most Redneck Thing Ever
- Also, nice mullet.
The Best Sports Interview Ever
- Iowa's Sammy Brooks talks about winning his title in...
25 Hilarious Awkward Kid Haircuts
- Some of the worst kid haircuts of all time.
More Fighting Tips From 80's Mullet Man
- Learn 80's style martial arts and produce demolition!
How To Always Win A Fight
- A classic how to video featuring a classic mullet.
Mullet Whistling Georgia On My Mind
- "You've got to lubricate your pucker"
Air Show Snack Attack
- mullet
Jared Allen Talks About His Mullet
- "I approach you from the front, 'wow this dude is...
Sword Practice
- Fat guy with ponytail shows off his sweet sword moves.
Classic Olan Mills
- Has anything ever been so terrible and so awesome all...
New Worlds Worst Boxer
- Whoever Arranged This Fight Has A Mean Sense Of Humor.
Top 15 Celebrity Mullets
- Even celebrities can get down with "business in the...
Dad and Son Lookalike
- This dad has his kid stylin' just like him! And yes...
One Minute Mullet
- Kelly Gruber shows you how easy it is to have your own...
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