Not The Heroes We Thought: 23 People From History That...
- There are few (if any) historical figures that are...
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25 Unpopular Movie Opinions That Might Get Us in...
- People enjoy films for a wide variety of reasons. Some...
25 Subtle Signs You Aren't Dealing With The Sharpest...
- Most of the time, you can spot an idiot right away....
Comedian David Mitchell Gives His Opinion on Flat Earth
- David Mitchell from the Graham Norton Show commenting...
"Old Town Road" Deemed Not Country Enough By Billboard...
- Lil Nas X’s “Old Town Road” Removed From...
A Local Dairy Queen Stirred Up a Blizzard With its...
- What's the deal with everyone getting offended by...
Ranking The Top 5 Best Final Fantasy Games As A...
- I've played them all. These are my favorites.
These Public Servants Have Outed Themselves As Nazi...
- These uniformed men publically expressed their support...
Historical Photos That Will Change Your Opinion Of The...
- 20 photos that give an alternate perspective on the...
Girl Discusses Leia's Slave Outfit With Dad
- A girl's opinion on the dress Jabba The Hut made...
11 Movies According To Tumblr
- Tumblr users have some unique thoughts about movies.
Crazy College Chick Flips Out
- Someone forgot to take their meds today...
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