Dude Hits Golf Ball Into His Own Face
- Hard to yell “fore” when you’re the target, I...
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Waterslide Looks More Like a Torture Device
- Whee, ouch, whee, ouch!
42 Images That Will Make You Feel Pain
- The internet is full of cringey pics and fail videos.
The 18 Most Painful and Demented Types of Ancient...
- ...That's gotta hurt.
Man Endures the Ultimate Test of Pain Tolerance While...
- We see your "stepping on a Lego" and raise you...
Here’s What 200 Bites from Bulldog Ants Feel Like
- We should be grateful to YouTubers, many of whom are...
41 Tattoo Artists Who Have Clearly Mastered Their Craft
- Check out this round-up of some photorealistic, 3D,...
Guys Play 'Barefoot Bowling Ball Soccer' on a Field of...
- Despite the impressive showing, one big question still...
33 People Who Thought They Could Defeat the Sun
- There are multiple reasons to fear the sun. And we've...
21 People Who Thought They Were Tougher than the Sun
- The sun is the final boss who remains undefeated.
24 Things Guys Never Knew About Women Until Getting In...
- Some things men had never learned before having a...
22 Cringe Pics Full of Sadness
- These may make you squirm.
20 Minor Injuries That Are Actually Super Painful
- Sometimes it's the little things that hurt the most. I...
22 People Having Their Patience Pushed to the Limits...
- Life always kicks ya when you're down. And if you've...
22 Awkward Christian Album Covers God Didn't Approve
- Jesus definitely didn't take the wheel on any of these...
25 of the Scariest Things in the World
- Halloween may be over. But that doesn't mean you won't...
25 Posts We Feel Bad Laughing At
- Your pain is our pleasure.
18 Memes and Pics For Deep Thinkers
- Sometimes a simple meme or picture just hits...
Pitcher Gets His Balls Blown Apart by His Own Heater
- If the steroids weren't gonna prevent him from having...
40 Depressing Pics to Help Laugh Away the Pain
- Soul sucking memes that will help you laugh in the...
Oblivious Woman Nearly Decapitates Herself as she...
- This woman wasn't paying attention and clotheslines...
Girl Practicing Her Stripper Moves Accidentally Kicks...
- Stripper poles and tight spaces don't mix as her...
Dude Cutting Down a Tree Gets Racked Big Time by an...
- Looks like he might be a bit more cautious next time...
Twenty-Five Dark Memes To Laugh Away The Pain
- Twisted memes for twisted minds!
22 Depressing Pics To Help You Laugh Through Your Pain
- Everything hurts and I'm dying, but at least there are...
25 Dark Memes To Amuse Your Pitch-Black Soul
- Dark humor is the only humor I know.
25 Dark Memes To Laugh Away The Pain With
- These memes speak to my dark little soul.
Ax Fighting "Weightloss Workout" Goes Wrong When...
- Armed with only a flimsy shield and a crappy mallet,...
30 Depressing Images That Prove Life Is Pain
- Some self deprecating humor to laugh away the pain.
Powerlifter's Leg Snaps Like A Twig
- Yaroslav Radashkevich breaks his leg in two places, in...
22 Proofs that the Awkwardness of Life Spares No One
- Funny pics and situations that will make you feel...
Guy's Magic Trick is Interrupted by a Surprise Visitor
- Someone's gonna have to change their act to stand...
Touching Moment a Professional Tennis Player Checks on...
- Got admit, she took it like a champ, had to be over...
Driver Flips a U-Turn Without Looking Causing Biker to...
- Hopefully this biker isn't seriously injured and gets...
Terrifying Meth House Booby Trap Could Have Been Deadly
- Paranoid meth-heads are seriously one of the most...
Security Guard Choke Slams Tough Guy
- This is why you should do what cops tell you to do.
Why You Shouldn't Get In-between Two Bulls
- Well, when you see two bulls going at it, now you know...
Basketball Player Almost Gets Decapitated On Backboard
- He can fly though.
This Dunce Puts A Firecracker Where The Sun Don't Shine
- Exactly what it sounds like.
Girl Does An Extreme Faceplant On Bike
- I'm not sure what she was attempting but she has a...
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