22 Reactions to the Fact That We Gotta Drink Poop Now
- Drinking water will soon come with free corn!
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Man Takes a Casual Dump on Floor While Shopping
- When did people begin thinking it was okay to do this?
Dude Drops a Deuce in the Middle of the Grocery Store
- Cleanup in aisle three!
Woman Takes a Dump in the Middle of a Grocery Store
- Classy and gassy!
Triathlete Asks Camera Not to Film Her Butt Because...
- This is why she’s a winner, folks!
Landlord Catches Tenants Hiding Their Poop in the Walls
- This is a case where I’m okay with the landlord not...
A Bunch of People in India Had a Poop Fight
- India is a country with amazing food, historic...
There’s a Poop Geyser in Russia Now
- Well, that’s probably not supposed to happen, right?
Man Enters Moving Bathroom Display Truck, Takes a Dump...
- Beats pissing in a bottle!
Dog Poops Out a Rainbow of Orbeez
- Finally, we know where Orbeez come from.
Burst Pipe Leads to a Volcano of Fecal Matter
- It’s raining, it’s pouring, it’s feces!
Phillies’ Minor League Team Dog Makes Debut by...
- The Clearwater Threshers, a minor league team for the...
Man Shits Himself So Hard He Disappears
- When you gotta go, you gotta go.
Woman Finds Out It’s Not Normal to Poop in the Ocean
- Peeing is one thing, but an ocean poo? Too far.
Martial Artist Earns His Brown Belt by Pooping His...
- A big part of many forms of martial art is mindfulness.
After Watching This You'll Never Again Flush a Toilet...
- I'll never flush a toilet the same way again.
French People Plan to Poop in the River to Protest the...
- One would think that hosting the Olympics would be a...
Dollar Store Scuffle Ends With Woman Pooping and...
- Thanks to the gut-brain axis our brains and our guts...
Gym Bro Shocked At How Much His New High Protein Diet...
- Posting to the r/NoStupidQuestions subreddit, OP...
Dude's Disgusting Roommate Wont Stop Pooping in the...
- Most people have been forced to live with a shitty...
Sewage Workers Are the True Heroes of Our Time, New...
- Though they may lurk in drains and only be called in...
Italian Town Makes Dog Poop DNA Database to Fine...
- Depending on where you live and how considerate your...
Dude Worried His Job Is Spying On Him While He’s in...
- On-the-job monitoring is getting out of control.
Chinese Smart Toilet Explodes While Man Is Dropping a...
- Every device is “smart” these days.
'Hey S—y Arse!': Woman Is Terrified Everyone Knows...
- Though the fact that everybody poops may serve as the...
'We're Gonna Have To Arrest You But Your Dinner Is...
- The only thing crappier than getting arrested? Pooping...
Fly the Stinky Skies: Photos Emerge of Poopy EasyJet...
- The only thing worse than airplane food? Your entire...
15 Employees Share Their Funniest Work Stories
- Unless you're Jimmy Buffet, do you even enjoy doing...
You’re Given $1K Everyday, but You Must Poop in a...
- It's pretty simple. You get $1,000 everyday, the rub...
Clueless Bros Demonstrate Why You Should Call A Plumber
- These guys attempted to DIY repair a sewage line and...
Poop Truck Filled To The Brim Takes a Guy's Day from...
- If you thought YOU were having a crappy day, get a...
Six Times Celebs and Athletes Pooped Their Pants
- Pooping your pants is just a part of living this crazy...
10 Years Ago This Scottish Mom Was Disgusted By Her...
- "Which one of you's doesn't know how to flush a...
Apollo 10 Crew's Floating Turd Incident
- Dropping a deuce in space can be challenging as the...
Workers Destroy Management Bathrooms After Removing...
- A new kind of biological warfare.
25 Strangest Things about Gandhi
- Gandhi was one of history's most complex figures. Some...
Johnny Depp Supporter Asking Amber Heard the Tough...
- Onlookers watched as Amber Heard exited Virginia's...
25 People Share the Nastiest Things They've Ever Done
- Having a bad day? Just think: it could be so much...
Dog Pauses European Soccer Match After Pooping On The...
- During a Europa Conference match, a dog found its way...
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