15 Bizarre Record Setting Moments From History
- Cool moments that were caught on camera.
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UK Angler Bags World Record 67-Pound 'Goldfish'
- A British fisherman has caught one of the world's...
Rick Winters’ 172 ft. World Record High Dive Still...
- This is insanity.
25 Inventions That Are So Long Overdue We've Almost...
- These inventions should have all been a thing a long...
60 Seconds, 17 Ghost Peppers, 1 World Record
- I would just pitch a tent in my bathroom at that point.
60 Seconds, 17 Ghost Peppers, 1 World Record
- I would just pitch a tent in my bathroom at that point.
BOOM: Incredible Footage Of the World's Largest...
- This footage is of a 62 inch firework launched over...
Marvel Freak Spends $3,400 Seeing 'Spider-Man: No Way...
- In the latest edition of Florida man, a Florida man...
25 Incredibly Meaningless and Rather Detestable...
- As employees, we all crave one thing from management:...
15-Year-Old Skater First Woman Ever to Land Quadruple...
- Kamila Valieva absolutely crushed it on behalf of the...
Badass Draws and Shoots Faster than God Can Blink
- "Bad" Bob Munden, who held 18 exhibit shooting records...
Russian Diver Descends to 131m, Set Freediving Record
- Alexey Molchanov of Russia dove all the way down to a...
World Record Kill Streak is 10 Minutes of Madness
- The world record for the most kills without a death...
TikTok's 'The Wellerman' Sea Shanty Remix is Super...
- Sea Shantys are back in style and it's all thanks to...
Two Cops Confiscate a Man's Phone and Accidentally...
- In a scene straight out of "World's Dumbest Criminals,...
Astronaut Reunited With Dog After a Year in Space
- Astronaut Christina Koch recently returned to Earth...
An Absolute Maniac Sets a New Plinko Record on The...
- This guy has an unworldly level of energy.
Australian Firefighters Record The Terrifying Moment...
- The crew was unharmed, according to the local Fire and...
Breaking The World Record For The Biggest "Elephant...
- I could watch that foam explosion all day long.
Red Bull Formula-1 Team Breaks the Record for Fastest...
- For the third time in the 2019 season, Red Bull have...
16-Year-Old Girl Has The Longest Legs In The World
- 16-year-old Maci Currin of Austin, Texas is hoping to...
Bugatti Chiron is the First Hyper Car to Reach 300...
- Top Gear released footage of the Bugatti Chiron...
Kid Nicknamed "White Lightning" Broke The Record For...
- Matthew Boling, a high school senior from Houston...
Guy Captures His Co-Worker's Desk Falling Apart While...
- A hilarious office mishap the make you feel a little...
Guy Wins Record Amount Of Money On Jeopardy
- James's win streak has hit the double-digit mark! As...
This is How You Fold The Paper Airplane That Won the...
- How to fold the world record paper airplane by Devlin...
20 Wacky and Hilarious Guinness World Records
- The following list includes a handful of recently...
1500 Drones Wow Spectators, 'Similar to Fireworks, But...
- A single pilot mans the entire fleet of light-emitting...
Post Malone Goes in Disguise to Prank People
- Post Malone goes undercover as an aspiring hip-hop...
This Guy Just Broke a World Speed Record on a Jet Bike
- Eric Teboul was on his rocket-powered bike and set a...
Cyclist Reaches World Record Speeds While Riding
- It took 4-years to break this world speed record. They...
Billy 'King Of Donkey Kong' Mitchell Caught Cheating,...
- After decades of reign, the mullet man has had his...
17 People and the Freakish Bodies That Got Them a...
- These folks were recognized for their incredible...
'The Mountain' From GOT Just Set A New Deadlift World...
- Yeah, this dude is a beast, wow.
Weird Kid Breaks a Record Snapping a Mozart Classic
- University student Satoyuki Fujimura is the proud...
After 35 Years Of Cheating, Gaming Legend Todd Rogers...
- An era has come to an end.
15 Of The Fastest Things In The Known World
- Be it the fastest land animal or the fastest roller...
We Could Watch This World Champion Hula Hooper Go For...
- Marawa's previous record was shattered with 180 hula...
30 Horrendous Mugshot Hairdos So Bad They're Funny
- Someone needs to arrest their stylist.
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